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If you're connecting it properly, then I would have to guess

that the multimeter is defective.

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Q: Why does every ammeter in a circuit have the same reading?
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What happens to an ammeter when there is a break in a circuit?

When there is a break in a circuit, the ammeter will show zero current because the circuit is incomplete, and no current can flow. The ammeter essentially measures the flow of current through the circuit, so without a complete path for the current to travel, the ammeter will not register any reading.

How do you calculate the ammeter reading?

The voltage remains the same across the circuit as it is a parallel connection. So, the current across the upper half of the circuit where the ammeter is connected is calculated as I = V/R = 12.04 (total voltage)/12 (Resistance R1) = 1 A. Hence, the ammeter will read 1 A.

Where is the best place to put an ammeter in the circuit to measure the current going through the light bulb?

Since (by Kirchoff's current law) the current in a series circuit is the same at every point in the series circuit, it does not matter where you place the ammeter.

What will an ammeter show if the circuit is broken?

Zero. No current is flowing in an open circuit. The ammeter will display an amount of 0 amps because there is no longer any current once the circuit has been broken. An ammeter measures current.

What happen if you change the position of ammeter in the circuit in parallel and series?

-- In a series circuit, no matter where you install the ammeter, it will always read the same current. -- In a parallel circuit, the ammeter may read a different current when it's moved to a different parallel branch.

Why do you only need one ammeter in a circuit?

An ammeter is a amp meter put into a circuit in series. There is virtually no voltage drop or resistance in an ammeter so two in series would be redundant. If you have one in a circuit it will tell you the amps that circuit is generating, two would both give virtually the same result.

What happens when an ammeter is connected in parallel with a circuit?

SMOKE!!! Yiii-haaaa! An ammeter is always as low a resistance as possible. That way, the current that you measure in a circuit using the meter will be the same as if the meter were not there. So putting an ammeter in parallel with a circuit means that you just short circuited the circuit you were intending to measure. Poof! There goes your ammeter!An ammeter has a very low internal resistance. So, if it is connected in parallel with a load, it will short-out that load. The resulting high current flowing through the ammeter may severely damage the meter (and possible harm the user), although most are fitted with fuses to protect them.

What will happen to an ammeter reading if the resistors are connected in parallel?

You would be drawing more current. It would be the same as adding more load to the circuit in a vehicle, say more lights. The lights would just be seen as more load (a resistive load in the case of incandescent lights). Add more lights (resistors) and more current is needed. The ammeter would indicate a higher current draw.

In a parallel circuit the is the same for every leg in the circuit?


Why the resistance of an ammeter is bery low?

0. An ammeter is placed in series with the circuit in question; if its' internal resistance is high, it will change the current flow, thus making the measurement meaningless. For the same reason an ideal voltage meter will have infinite resistance.

Why is an ammeter is always connected in series with the circuit?

When considering electricity, Current (measured in Amps) is often considered the flow of energy. The force behind the flow is the Volts. While the volts can be measured between any two points in the circuit (open, or closed), measuring the current, or flow of energy typically requires interrupting the flow. Somewhat like water. One can measure pressure of the water on a branch, but one must have a way to monitor the actual flow to determine how much water has passed. There are "exceptions" though. If you have an AC circuit, then an inductive ammeter can measure the amps around a single leg if the circuit without being installed inline with the circuit. Even with a DC circuit, it may be desirable to design a bypass or shunt circuit so that the majority of the current bypasses the ammeter, and only a small amount of the current actually flows through the ammeter.

Why ammemeter is attached in series in a circuit?

as the current in a series circuit remains the same so it does not cause any difference if an extra element is connected in between the various elements so an ammeter is always connected in series.