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Elastic - Plastic Deformation Ranges. Before and after yield point.

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3mo ago

A stress-strain curve typically has two segments because the material first deforms elastically before transitioning to plastic deformation. The initial linear region represents elastic deformation, where the material can return to its original shape after the stress is removed. The second region shows plastic deformation, where the material undergoes permanent deformation due to interatomic sliding or dislocation motion.

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7y ago

becuase its suppose to

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Q: Why a stress-strain curve usually has two segments.?
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What is an imaginary line that follows the curve of the earth?

An imaginary line that follows the curve of the Earth is called a great circle. It represents the shortest distance between two points on the Earth's surface and is often used in navigation and mapping.

What is possiblism?

A Production Possibility Curve is the curve which shows various combinations of two goods that can be produced with available techniques and with given amount of resources, which are fully and efficiently employed. It depicts a society's menu of choices of these two goods. It tells us that if the economy wants to produce more of one commodity, it will have to transfer or divert resources from the production of another commodity to the production of this commodity. That is why the production 'possibility curve' is also called 'transformation curve'.

An imaginary line that follows the curve of the earth and is the shortest route for pilots?

The imaginary line that follows the curve of the Earth and is the shortest route for pilots is called a great circle route. This route is the most efficient way to travel between two points on the Earth's surface, as it represents the shortest path over the Earth's surface, given its spherical shape. Pilots often use great circle routes to save time and fuel during long-distance flights.

In forming covalent bonds where the octet rule is obeyed sulfur usually forms?

Two covalent bonds.

What is the wavelength?

The wavelength is the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs in a wave. It is usually measured in meters or another unit of length.

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Why a stress-strain curve usually has two segments?

becuase its suppose to

Why a stress strain curve usually has two segments?

becuase its suppose to

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The midpoint.

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two single segments