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Q: Why do you often need two read statements within a program?
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What statements may appear anywhere you need them in a program?

Any statements may appear anywhere you need them in a program, provided those statements are within the scope of those locations. In modular programming, you must include the module that contains each statement's prototype wherever you intend to use those statements.

Is it possible to make a program that combines a lot of other programs?

Yes. One program can execute another program very easily -- you can even do it via scripting languages and batch programming. Morevoer, programs that provide shared code via one or more libraries make it possible for another program to execute code within those libraries, just as if that code were part of the program itself (no need to execute another program). Such programs often provide application programming interfaces (APIs) to simplify the process of integration.

What is a logical disciplined approach to programming?

Use Software Engineering techniques, specifically UML, to design the structure of the program before-hand. Then you know how different classes within the program (assuming you are using an Object-Oriented approach) need to communicate with each other, and you've broken the whole program down into the smaller more manageable chunks that need to be written.

Why machine language is the only language which is directly executed by computers?

Machine language is the native language of the machine and requires no translation. Every other programming language must be translated into machine code in order to execute, which means you need to program the computer to perform that translation. A compiler translates the entire source code to produce a machine code executable, whereas an interpreter translates high-level statements as they are executed within the runtime environment.

C program for Sum of n number using if else statements?

// Why do you need if/else statements? int main() { int numbers[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; // and so on int i; int sum = 0; for(i = 0; i < sizeof (numbers)/sizeof(int); i++) sum += i; return sum; }

Related questions

What statements may appear anywhere you need them in a program?

Any statements may appear anywhere you need them in a program, provided those statements are within the scope of those locations. In modular programming, you must include the module that contains each statement's prototype wherever you intend to use those statements.

Why is the need of study of algorithm?

To make sure that a program, or a routine within it, it doing what you want it to do.

How often should you bank reconcile?

It depends on how many items are going theough the account and how often you need to reconcile. Many banks only produce personal statements on a monthly basis and so a monthly reconciliation may be OK. If you need to definitely see what is in your bank account more often than monthly then see if the bank will produce the statements on a fortnightly or even weekly basis.

What is internal reader in JCL?

In JCL, the internal reader is a facility to provide input data directly within the JCL statements without the need for an external dataset. This input data is typically specified using the job card and can be used by subsequent DD statements in the job step. The internal reader is useful for providing small amounts of temporary data to be processed by the job step.

What are policy statements?

Policy statements need to be specific and precise

Cumpoter file how to open?

Depending on the format of the file, you often need a specialized program to open it. For example, to open a JPG (image) file, you need a program that can handle images, to open a Word document, you need Word (or other compatible programs), etc.You can often open the file by double-clicking on it (for example, in Windows Explorer); or you open the program that is supposed to use it, and give a command like "File | Open".Depending on the format of the file, you often need a specialized program to open it. For example, to open a JPG (image) file, you need a program that can handle images, to open a Word document, you need Word (or other compatible programs), etc.You can often open the file by double-clicking on it (for example, in Windows Explorer); or you open the program that is supposed to use it, and give a command like "File | Open".Depending on the format of the file, you often need a specialized program to open it. For example, to open a JPG (image) file, you need a program that can handle images, to open a Word document, you need Word (or other compatible programs), etc.You can often open the file by double-clicking on it (for example, in Windows Explorer); or you open the program that is supposed to use it, and give a command like "File | Open".Depending on the format of the file, you often need a specialized program to open it. For example, to open a JPG (image) file, you need a program that can handle images, to open a Word document, you need Word (or other compatible programs), etc.You can often open the file by double-clicking on it (for example, in Windows Explorer); or you open the program that is supposed to use it, and give a command like "File | Open".

What education do I need to become a medical assistant?

To become a medical assistant, you need to enroll at an accredited vocational school or college and be accepted into their program. There is often a one year certificate program or a two year associates degree program available, after completion of either program, you will need to pass a certification exam.

What do you need to jailbreak your ipod?

You will need the greenp0ison program on your computer, and a cable to connect your ipod touch to your PC or Mac. Open the program, follow the steps porvided to you, and within less than a minute you will have your ipod jailbroken.

How do you read the dll file within the aspnet program which the dll file is used to pass parameter between aspnet program?

Question need some more clarification

Why you need interrupt?

An interrupt is a signal from a device attached to a computer or from a program within the computer that causes the CPU to stop executing the current program and figure out what to do next. It enable input/output device communicate or get the attention of the processor, and execute a program that need more attention.

How do you create a tax chart?

Gather all the data that you need, such as income statements and all possible deductions and construct an overview using a major spreadsheet program or other visualisation tool.

Is it possible to make a program that combines a lot of other programs?

Yes. One program can execute another program very easily -- you can even do it via scripting languages and batch programming. Morevoer, programs that provide shared code via one or more libraries make it possible for another program to execute code within those libraries, just as if that code were part of the program itself (no need to execute another program). Such programs often provide application programming interfaces (APIs) to simplify the process of integration.