A Runnable Interface is one that is used to create a Java Thread...
A Thread can be created in two ways and using the Runnable Interface is one of them.
public class Test implements Runnable {
public void run(){
The Runnable interface would have an abstract instance of the method run() which needs to be implemented in the class which wants to create a Thread.
Runnable in java , is an interface which helps in creating threads.
E.g. you want to create thread Demo , then you will do like this
class Demo implement Runnable
// your code
Now to start thread in a program you have to do like this
/* create your thread class object
& then pass it to thread class constructor */
Demo dmo = new Demo();
Thread thrd = new Thread(dmo);
// call start() using thrd
thats all . you can add additional code as your requirements
Java Runnable Thread Example
public class runnable1 implements Runnable {
public void run() {
for (int x = 1; x <= 3; x++) {
System.out.println(x + " Thread name, priority and group are "
+ Thread.currentThread()); }
public static void main(String[] args) {
runnable1 run1 = new runnable1();
Thread t1 = new Thread(run1);
The Runnable Interface is used to create threads in Java. Implementing the Runnable interface gives you a way to extend any class you like, but still define behavior that will be run by a separate thread. It looks like this:
class MyFirstRunnableClass implements Runnable {
public void run() {
System.out.println("Imp job running in MyFirstRunnableClass");
Regardless of which mechanism you choose, you've now got yourself some code that can be run by a thread of execution. So now let's take a look at instantiating your thread-capable class, and then we'll figure out how to actually get the thing running.
Runnable interface
Though implementing Runnable interface is better approach than inheriting from Thread class but there are certain methods available in Thread class like join,sleep or yield which does not available in Runnable interface and programmer can not use them unless he has object of Thread class. This is why we should have Thread class Object. Rupesh Raghani
chase that feeling like ive been looking for something thats good for the rich and the blind and the poor
Start with only a single LWP and let it select a runnable thread. When arunnable thread has been found, the LWP creates another LWP to look for anext thread to execute. If no runnable thread is found, the LWP destroys itself.
You need to be more clear in what type of "interface" you are inquiring about. Linux has it's own API (Application Programming Interface) and ABI (Application Binary Interface). If you are referring to the user interface, Linux can have a GUI, a command line, or even no interface at all.
By implementing Runnable in our class and by overriding the run() method of Runnable interface
Runnable interface
Though implementing Runnable interface is better approach than inheriting from Thread class but there are certain methods available in Thread class like join,sleep or yield which does not available in Runnable interface and programmer can not use them unless he has object of Thread class. This is why we should have Thread class Object. Rupesh Raghani
chase that feeling like ive been looking for something thats good for the rich and the blind and the poor
You can create a Thread in Java by using two ways. 1. Extending the Thread class public class Test extends Thread { ..... } 2. Implementing the Runnable Interface public class Test implements Runnable { ... }
== == By creating an interface, the programmer creates a method to handle objects that implement it in a generic way. An example of this would be the Runnable interface in Java. If the programmer is given a Runnable object, they do not need to know what that object really is to be able to call the run method. Ex. public void startThreads(ArrayList threads){ for(Runnable r : threads) (new Thread(r)).start(); } The objects in the ArrayList threads may be anything at all, but because they all implement the Runnable interface, it is possible to execute their run method generically, in this case encapsulating it in a Thread object and starting that Thread. Answer: In Java, it will not support a concept like "subclass having more than one superclass" ex: class subclass extends superclass1,superclass2 so, to implement this concept , Java introduced a new methodology called "interface", interface is also a class , but it has only function declarations having no function definitions. thereby, we can inherit more than one interfaces through "implements" key word. For an interface we cont declare an object,but, we have an alternative ,through assigning an object of a class which implements that interface. ex: interfacename iobj; subclass sobj=new subclass(); iobj=sobj; iobj.funame1(); iobj.funame2(); iobj.funame3(); note: these three funames are the member functions of the above interface, and subclass has to give the definition for them, dynamic binding...right! Apart from these already three declared functions, we don't give the reference to the iobj, ok! the other explanation for implements is, giving definition for a member function, today or in future ,which is declared in past.
A (concrete) class defines all his methods and can have any kind of instance variable and is declared with the 'class' keyword. Unlike an interface that doesn't implements any of his methods and his variables must be static and final. An interface is defined with the 'interface' keyword.//This is a classpublic class MyClass{public String name;private int age;public void myMethod(){//do something}}//This is a interfaceinterface MyInterface {public static final String name;public static final int age;public void myMethod(); // This method is not implemented}An other difference is that a class can be inheritance by other class but a interface must be implemented using the keyword 'implements'.interface Runnable(){void run();}public class MyOtherClass implements Runnable{public void run(){// insert interesting code here}}
You can define and instantiate a thread in one of two ways: • Extend the java.lang.Thread class. • Implement the Runnable interface. class MyFirstThread extends Thread { public void run() { System.out.println("Important job running in MyFirstThread"); } } or class MyFirstRunnableClass implements Runnable { public void run() { System.out.println("Imp job running in MyFirstRunnableClass"); } }
You can define and instantiate a thread in one of two ways: • Extend the java.lang.Thread class. • Implement the Runnable interface. Ex: class MyFirstThread extends Thread { public void run() { System.out.println("Important job running in MyFirstThread"); } } class MyFirstRunnableClass implements Runnable { public void run() { System.out.println("Imp job running in MyFirstRunnableClass"); } }
You can define and instantiate a thread in one of two ways: • Extend the java.lang.Thread class. • Implement the Runnable interface. Ex: class MyFirstThread extends Thread { public void run() { System.out.println("Important job running in MyFirstThread"); } } class MyFirstRunnableClass implements Runnable { public void run() { System.out.println("Imp job running in MyFirstRunnableClass"); } }
Wind and water are not a runnable resource.
Start with only a single LWP and let it select a runnable thread. When arunnable thread has been found, the LWP creates another LWP to look for anext thread to execute. If no runnable thread is found, the LWP destroys itself.