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different languages has different purposes some are low level and some are high level e.g assembly language that is low level(not as a whole) works with machine but java didn't that's why we need other programming languages

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Computers only understand "machine code", which is a series of 0's and 1's that are "encoded instructions." However, most people do not know how to write this code, and even if they did, they would find it tedious to write entire programs in pure machine code. Programming languages were therefore invented so that it would be easier to program systems without having to remember how to program the underlying machine code. A single line in a programming language might be hundreds of lines of code that could take hours to write manually. Even something as simple as a "printf" command (to write to standard output) saves the programmer from having to write the complex set of instructions that would be required to perform this simple task.

We use programming languages to make writing software easier, faster, and less error-prone.

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Each of us (humans) can speak our own language / dialect to communicate with others. When we speak through our most commonly language, the flow of the communication will be much better. But if a speaker for example, communicates differently from what we understand, we would not recognize all the things he / she wants to interpret. Similarly, humans and machines have different languages. A programming language is a systematic language that makes us possible to communicate with the machine / computer. Programming language is the basic knowledge and tool that you will need to create a set of instructions or programs. It uses syntax and other elements in which a computer will follow.

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Does the programming language JAVA has any abberivation?

No. If you need to refer to the language in fewer than four characters, you're out of luck.

Is java a popular programming language?

No, the Java is not machine language. Java is a high-level programming language that compiles to byte code suitable for interpretation into machine code by the Java virtual machine. In other words, you program the virtual machine rather than the physical machine. Once compiled, the byte code can be executed upon any machine with a Java virtual machine implementation.

Is Java a Language or Package?

Actually, it is both. Visual Basic is a Microsoft only programming language. In order to run programs written in VB though, you may need the VB runtime library as a package DLL even if you don't use the language itself.

Difference between high level language and script language?

There is no real difference; a scripting language is a programming language like any other. We use the term script to infer a programming language that does not need to be compiled to a lower-level code before running. Generally speaking, a scripting language is usually a high-level, interpreted programming language.

Explain the statement there is more to java than the language?

All programming languages are abstract things - collections of rules which dictate how symbols may form words, how words may form statements, and how statements may form programs. Programming languages need "other stuff" in order to actually be useful. For most languages this will include either a compiler or an interpreter which can turn source code into executable programs. Java's "other stuff" includes a compiler, which turns Java source code into Java byte code, and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which allows Java byte code to execute on your computer.

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What is Java and do you need it if you have Microsoft Office?

Java is a programming language. It is used for developing applications. There is no direct relation between Java and MS Office for us to decide on which one we need. MS Office provides us with tools like spreadsheet, word document etc whereas Java is a programming language.

Does the programming language JAVA has any abberivation?

No. If you need to refer to the language in fewer than four characters, you're out of luck.

Is java a popular programming language?

No, the Java is not machine language. Java is a high-level programming language that compiles to byte code suitable for interpretation into machine code by the Java virtual machine. In other words, you program the virtual machine rather than the physical machine. Once compiled, the byte code can be executed upon any machine with a Java virtual machine implementation.

Is Java a Language or Package?

Actually, it is both. Visual Basic is a Microsoft only programming language. In order to run programs written in VB though, you may need the VB runtime library as a package DLL even if you don't use the language itself.

How do you write program in jdk?

JDK stands for Java Development Kit. It is not a programming language. It is a the system using which you can develop programs in Java. You need to have jdk installed in your machine to create java programs.

Why does Minecraft need java?

Basically, any program developed with the Java programming language requires Java to be installed on the user's machine. The advantage of doing this is that such a program can run on a large variety of machines.

How do you design android application?

To develop an app on android you will need to learn Java Programming Language You can learn Java from thenewboston on YouTube. Then you can go to and learn how to develop an application

What software do you need to use to make an mmorpg similar to wow and runescape?

Some programming language is required. Runescape is programmed in Java, but just about any programming language will do. It does require a lot of work, though, even if you already know computer programming.

What is the definition of array length in the Java programming language?

When programming in Java language, you will need to use container objects to hold your specific values and these are called Arrays. The amount of values held in these containers is called the Array Length. This is generated once an Array is created and the length becomes locked.

Difference between high level language and script language?

There is no real difference; a scripting language is a programming language like any other. We use the term script to infer a programming language that does not need to be compiled to a lower-level code before running. Generally speaking, a scripting language is usually a high-level, interpreted programming language.

Is there a program that can help you make a programming language but you don't need to know a programming language?

No. In order to make or use a program or a programming language, you need to know a programming language.

Why java programming lang are better than other programming languages?

Answer: it is object oriented programming language. Answer: (1) Better for what? (2) Who says it's better? There are many languages out there, many of them share some of Java's benefits (for example, the fact that you can use OOP), and not everybody agrees that it's the best language. ==== In my own opinion there is no such thing as a 'best' programming language; it really all depends on... -which language can you afford to buy/use -or else, is the programming language FREE -which language(s) do you already know how to work with -which operating system platform are you currently working on -what is the web browser software that you are currently using -which programming language is available for you to use at any one particular point in time For example, I might aleady know how to use QBASIC/but, I don't know how to use, therefore, Java is really quite utterly useless to me; therefore, for the purpose of saving on development time/'speed'; I will need to use QBASIC, instead; as oppposed to go and take time out to go and learn Java, first -which is a 'huge' language- before I can ever get to use it, effectively.