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Because he wsa walking while raining and got scared of the thunder so he jumped in a pool

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Q: Why did Charles Macintosh invent the raincoat?
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What did Charles Macintosh invent?

Charles Mackintosh invented the Mackintosh Raincoat and it was invented on the 1747

What did Charles Macintosh invent in 1819?

Charles Macintosh is credited with inventing waterproof fabric. He would later use this fabric make a raincoat still know are the Mackintosh.

When was the first raincoat made?

The first raincoat ever made was in 1823 by Charles Macintosh.

When was the raincoat invented?

The raincoat was invented in 1823. It was invented by Charles Macintosh, and the first raincoats were called Macintosh coats, which were developed in Glasgow, Scotland.

Who invented the raincoat?

Charles Macintosh invented the waterproof coat in 1824

Where did Charles Macintosh work and study?

Charles Macintosh worked as a Scottish chemist and inventor in Glasgow, Scotland. He did not attend a university, but instead gained his knowledge through practical experience and experimentation. He is best known for inventing the waterproof fabric that bears his name, the Mackintosh raincoat.

Where did Charles Macintosh raincoat inventor go to school?

Reids Public School and the Allen Glens Instutution.

Where was the raincoat invented?

Charles Macintosh patented the waterproof cloth used in raincoats in 1823 even though it was James Syme who invented the fabric. Charles Macintosh and Co. of Glasgow made the first Mackintosh coats.

When and where was the raincoat invented and who invented it?

In 1836 Charles Macintosh, a Scottish inventor, mixed rubber with cloth to form a waterproof coat. "I thought it was by a Scottish fella named Jimmy Condom."

How did the Mackintosh get its name?

The Mackintosh raincoat was named for its inventor, Charles Macintosh of Scotland. Despite the spelling of his last name, the coat is universally spelt with the letter "k".The Macintosh computer (without a "k") was named for the apple variety of that name, playing on the company's name Apple Computers.

What do they call raincoats in England?

A raincoat is frequently called a 'mac' which is short for macintosh. Also, and I don't know if this is what you're angling for, the word 'raincoat' is often used as a slang term for a condom.

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