

Best Answer

Yes , all conductors have some

amount of resistance although it

varies depending on the material

that is conducting the electricity .

Copper has a very low resistance,

and aluminum has a slightly

higher ( but still quite low )

resistance . This is why they are

used as electrical conductors.

Conductor resistance results in

voltage drop over the conductor

and power loss, manifested as

heating of the conductor .

Therefore , you want as low a

conductor loss as is reasonably

practical .

The reason of resistance is that,

no electron has a linear motion

when an electric field is applied to

it . e- move in random due to

apparent collision with other e -' s.

This motion is termed to as

Brownian motion . The random

movement however interrupts

with the electric field and creates

resistance sue to a negetive field

generated .

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Current is the flow of electrons through a material. In any material say,metal, the current flow is due to free electrons. There are ions in the metal and they are randomly arranged thus offering opposition to electron flow. It's this opposition that is called resistance.

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Does conductors offer very little resistance to flow of electric current?

Yes, conductors offer very little resistance to the flow of electric current due to their ability to easily transfer electrons. This is why materials like copper and gold are commonly used as conductors in electrical circuits.

Do conductors offer very little resistance to the flow of electricity?

Yes- you have suggested a correct working definition for a conductor.

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Superconductors have no resistance, making them the best conductors. Semiconductors have moderate resistance. Conductors have low resistance, making them better conductors than insulators, which have high resistance, making them the poorest conductors.

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Metals are called poor conductors in comparison to materials such as copper and silver because they have higher resistivity, which hinders the flow of electrons or electricity through them. Poor conductors like iron and steel are less effective at conducting heat and electricity due to their atomic structure and electron mobility.

Do conductors offer little resistance to the flow of electric current?

Yes- you have suggested a correct working definition for a conductor.

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ALL resistance are conductors. just the magnitude value changes

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Superconductors have no resistance. Conductors have low resistance, semiconductors have intermediate resistance, and insulators have high resistance.

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The resistance of pure metallic conductors increases with temperature, because the resistivity of these conductors increase with temperature.

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Conductors have low resistance to the flow of electric current. The resistance of a conductor depends on its material, length, and cross-sectional area. Materials like copper and silver have low resistance, making them good conductors of electricity.

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Materials with low resistance are called conductors. Conductors allow electricity to flow easily through them due to their low resistance. Metals such as copper and aluminum are examples of good conductors.

What type of resistance do conductors have?

Conductors have resistance due to collisions between free electrons and atoms within the material. This resistance causes energy to be lost in the form of heat when current flows through the conductor. The resistance value depends on the material and dimensions of the conductor.

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Good conductors have low resistance. A low resistance allows for the easy flow of electric current through the material. Materials like metals are good conductors because they have many free electrons that can move easily in response to an electric field.