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capacitor's characteristic is charging and discharging. discharged energy will be dropped by load . so it is connected in parallel

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Q: Why capacitors are not connected in series in power line?
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What are two uses of capacitors in an ac circuit?

power factor correction, and sometimes it is necessary to place capacitors in series with a line to counteract the natural inductance of the line - this allows more power to be transferred through that line.

Why seres capacitors are used in transmission lines?

A poor power factor (due to large reactive loads) in a transmission system will reduce the voltage on local bus bars. Typically, especially for industrial facilities, there will be a large inductive component to the system loads, by installing shunt capacitors in close proximity to these loads the inductive component is effectively cancelled out, allowing the transmission lines to carry greater real power.[Once the capacitors are charged the reactive power demand of the inductive load is fulfilled by the charge/discharge cycle of the capacitors rather than by long-distance transmission of reactive power].

What is mean by compensated and uncompensated power transmission line?

Power transmissions lines are inductive by nature. Power in AC systems is transmitted by varying the phase angle between source and receiving end following the below equation: Vsource * Vrecieve * sin (phi) / (Zsource + Zrecieve + Zline) V = the voltage phi = angle between source and receiving end voltage Z = impedance, Zsource = the impedance behind the source end Series compensating lines is accomplished by adding capacitors in series on a line, which reduces the Zline term in the above equation. This allows more power to be transmitted from one end to the other.

What is the effect of shunt capacitor?

A shunt capacitor creates a low resistance path in a circuit so that electricity can pass around to another point. Shunt capacitors create shorts when they receive abnormally high amounts of voltage to correct series circuits.

How does surge impedance effect on transmittion line?

The SIL=(KV LL / Zo), where the V(LL) is the receiving end voltage in kV and Zo is the surge impedance in ohms. when the line is loaded over its SIL, it behaves like a shunt reactor - absorbing Mvar from the system, and when is loaded less its SIL it behaves like a shunt capacitor, supply Mvar back to the system. So to increase the Surge Impedance Loading (SIL), we need to decrease the the surge impedance of the line, and that can be done by introducing series capacitors (capacitors in series with the transmission line) or shunt capacitors (capacitors in parallel with transmission lines), which means providing Mvar to the system and reducing the Mw. hopefully that helps

Related questions

Why you use capacitors in lines?

Capacitors are connected in series with some lines (series compensated lines) and in parallel. Capacitors in parallel are used to prop up the voltage at that location by injecting reactive power onto the grid. Capacitors in series are used to cancel out some of the inductance of the line, which allows for more power to be transported through the line. Capacitors at load centers are often used for power factor correction, and are connected in parallel (line to ground). To achieve efficiency in a power delivery system it is most efficient to have the current and voltage in phase. Often the load is inductive hence the current lags the voltage (due to motors etc.). Capacitors are switched in and out of the transmission system to counteract this effect.

What are two uses of capacitors in an ac circuit?

power factor correction, and sometimes it is necessary to place capacitors in series with a line to counteract the natural inductance of the line - this allows more power to be transferred through that line.

Why capacitor used in transmission line?

Capacitors can be used to decrease the inductance of power lines (series compensation), and for voltage support (capacitors are put in parallel with the system).

What are the disadvantages of series capacitors in transmission lines?

The series capacitors can be the cause of overcompensating on the power line and thus cause the following problems:- a) Over voltages on the line when connected loads are smaller than the rated loads and this can damage the transformers and capacitors b) Ferro-resonace phenomenon can cause very high volatges again can be damaging c) The fault level of the poweer system will increase and if not considered in the design, the fault current could exceed thedesign limits.

Why seres capacitors are used in transmission lines?

A poor power factor (due to large reactive loads) in a transmission system will reduce the voltage on local bus bars. Typically, especially for industrial facilities, there will be a large inductive component to the system loads, by installing shunt capacitors in close proximity to these loads the inductive component is effectively cancelled out, allowing the transmission lines to carry greater real power.[Once the capacitors are charged the reactive power demand of the inductive load is fulfilled by the charge/discharge cycle of the capacitors rather than by long-distance transmission of reactive power].

What is mean by compensated and uncompensated power transmission line?

Power transmissions lines are inductive by nature. Power in AC systems is transmitted by varying the phase angle between source and receiving end following the below equation: Vsource * Vrecieve * sin (phi) / (Zsource + Zrecieve + Zline) V = the voltage phi = angle between source and receiving end voltage Z = impedance, Zsource = the impedance behind the source end Series compensating lines is accomplished by adding capacitors in series on a line, which reduces the Zline term in the above equation. This allows more power to be transmitted from one end to the other.

What are series capacitors?

Capacitors are said to be connected together "in series" when they are effectively "daisy chained" together in a single line. The charging current ( iC ) flowing through the capacitors is THE SAME for all capacitors as it only has one path to follow. Then, Capacitors in Series all have the same current flowing through them as iT = i1 = i2 = i3 etc. Therefore each capacitor will store the same amount of electrical charge, Q on its plates regardless of its capacitance. This is because the charge stored by a plate of any one capacitor must have come from the plate of its adjacent capacitor. Therefore, capacitors connected together in series must have the same charge. QT = Q1 = Q2 = Q3 , etc.

What is the effect of shunt capacitor?

A shunt capacitor creates a low resistance path in a circuit so that electricity can pass around to another point. Shunt capacitors create shorts when they receive abnormally high amounts of voltage to correct series circuits.

What is a method to improve the power factor?

Add capacitors from line to ground.

How do you wire start and run capacitors into an electric motor?

Connect your start capacitor in series with the start winding.Connect the run capacitor in the common terminal and Line 1 of the power supply.

What are components connected one after the other in a line called?

series connected

How can i use capacitors to improve an over head line?

Nothing. An overhead line is a set of conductors (most are aluminium) supported on wooden poles or steel pylons. Capacitors can be used to improve power transmission if the load connected at the end of the line has a poor power factor. That happens for AC systems and for some types of load, electric motors for example, which need excess current over and above the power divided by the voltage. The VA is the volts times the amps, and the actual power is the VA times the power factor, which never exceeds 1. In some cases, a capacitor connected across the load can improve the power factor and therefore reduce the current that has to flow along the cables for a given amount of power.