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In a series DC motor used for traction, the armature rheostat is there to limit the current on starting. In normal running the rheostat is set to zero ohms (maximum power) so that power is not wasted in it. At full speed the power is turned off, the vehicle then coasts along until it's time to stop.

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Q: Why armature rehostat is kept at maximum position?
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Why the generator field rheostat kept at maximum position?

There is nothing to limit current until opposing magnetic fields build up at generator operating speed-windings will overheat and burn.

Would it be correct to say with a fixed field voltagethe speed of a shunt motor is proportional to its armature voltage?

With increasing torque load the armature tends to slow down; the motor draws more current to compensate, and if there is armature resistance the back emf generated by the armature falls to allow the increased current to flow, which causes the motor to settle at a lower speed. The mechanical output power is the speed times the torque, and increasing the torque increases the power output provided the speed does not drop much.

Example of embalmed abstraction in technical report?

Embalmed abstraction: The cylinder must be maintained in an upright position. Simple: The cylinder must be kept upright.

Why field winding work as stator and armature winding as rotor?

No, these can be switched depending on the requirements of the application. It is more practical to have the armature windings (since they will carry the full load current) as the stator for this will require larger wires and is also easier to cool if kept stationary. The field windings do not carry the full load current of the load so this requires smaller wires and smaller slip rings since this is the piece that will rotate.

What is the relation between inversion and neutral temperature?

inversion temperature Ti is twice the neutral temperature Tn.

Related questions

Why the armature rheostat of dc is motor kept at maximum resistance position?

It isn't. It is only kept at maximum resistance when the motor is not running. That is done to limit the starting current.

What will happen if field rheostat of dc shunt motor is kept at maximum position while starting?

First remember this rheostat is connected in series with the armature to increase the total resistance to limit the starting current, thus achieving max starting torque from the motor

Why motor rheostat kept minimum position generator rheostat maximum position?

the back emf increases so that high currents doesn't pass through the field windings

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fowler position.

Why the generator field rheostat kept at maximum position?

There is nothing to limit current until opposing magnetic fields build up at generator operating speed-windings will overheat and burn.

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The highest position

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Field control of dc servo motor?

Relation isF=pi*i*L*sin thetaBut T= r*fso T= pi*i*r*L*sin thetapi(flux) and i (current) are changeable while all others are constant.soT= k pi * iDc servomotor Under Feild Control:** Armature Current is Kept Constant** Flux can be variedThe armature current can be kept constant by applying a constant current source at armature winding of DC servoMotorTorque generated by the dc servo motor is controlled by feild current..This mode of operation is called Feild Control

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he killed people if they didn't vote for him

What was Mussolini's first job?

a position as a substitute at Gualtieri, which he kept for one year.

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a position as a substitute at Gualtieri, which he kept for one year.

2 The air gap between stator and armature of an electric motor is kept as small as possible?

a. To get a stronger magnetic field b. to improve the air circulation c. To reach the higher speed of rotation d. To make the rotation easier