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It doesn't. Superconductors have no (virtually no) losses, they are purely inductive. This has no bearing on how current flows. Normal conductor will heat up due to resistive losses of the line (I^2 R losses), while a superconductor shouldn't.

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The molecules of a superconductor are arranged in a way that allows their electrons to flow through it with almost nothing getting in their way. The best superconductors need to be chilled to an extremely low temperature in order to get their molecules so tightly organized.

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Q: Why are superconductors efficient than ordinary conductors?
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If ther are more than conductors in the raceway the ampacity of the conductors must be derated?

Ampacity must be derated depending on the number of conductors and the ambient temperature. In the Canadian Electrical Code Table 5C denotes derating for the number of conductors. 1-3 conductors = 100% load 4-6 conductors = 80% 7-24 conductors = 70% 25-42 conductors = 60% 43 or more conductors = 50%

What is a drawback to superconductors?

One of the main disadvantages of copper cables is that copper is expensive compared with other metals such as iron or aluminum. Copper can also corrode, though not as much as some other metals.

What ways are there to convert 480 3 Phase to 208 3 phase?

It depends on your definition of efficiency. 480 can certainly push more power than 208 through the same size conductors, but it would not be efficient to wire a motor for 480 when 208 was all that was needed.

Why the spacing between the conductors of same phase is greater as compared to spacing between different phase conductors in double circuit lines?

I think you mean spacing between line conductors, rather than phase conductors. If there is a greater spacing between line conductors in one circuit, compared with anothercircuit, then the two circuits are operating at different voltages.

How do you write the sentence Our school needs a heating system One that is more fuel-efficient than the current system properly?

Our school is in need of a heating system that is more fuel-efficient than the current system. or Our school needs a heating system more fuel-efficient than the current one.

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What shows how conductors insulators superconductors and semiconductors rank in order of least resistance to most resistance?

Superconductors have no resistance, making them the best conductors. Semiconductors have moderate resistance. Conductors have low resistance, making them better conductors than insulators, which have high resistance, making them the poorest conductors.

Which has the lowest resistance semiconductors superconductors insulator conductor?

Superconductors have the lowest resistance of all materials, with resistance dropping to zero when they are cooled below a certain critical temperature. Conductors have lower resistance than semiconductors and insulators, which have significantly higher resistance and do not conduct electricity as effectively.

What is the definition of low temperature supercoductors?

In a way, all currently existing superconductors are "low-temperature", but some more so than others. The traditional superconductors work up to about 20 K (or minus 253 Centigrade); more recent "high-temperature superconductors" work up to 100 K or so. 100 K is still minus 173 Centigrade, but it is much "hotter" than the traditional superconductors. The new "high-temperature" superconductors apparently work different than the old-fashioned ones; at least, the theory that explains the traditional superconductors fails to explain how the new superconductors work.

What is super conducters?

Superconductors are materials that can carry electric current with no resistance when cooled to very low temperatures. This property allows for the creation of powerful electromagnets and highly efficient electrical devices. Superconductors have various applications in fields such as medicine, energy, and transportation.

What are the benefits of quartz heaters over ordinary electric heaters?

Quartz Heaters are unique in a number of ways. Most notably, the design of these heaters is such that it is more efficient than ordinary heaters. This allows it to deliver more heat for less cost.

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OLED (organic light-emitting diode) technology is more energy efficient than ordinary backlighting because each pixel emits its own light, eliminating the need for a separate backlight. This allows OLED displays to consume less power while providing better contrast and color accuracy.

Why is electrostatic spray gun more efficient than ordinary spray gun?

Electrostatic spray guns are more efficient than ordinary spray guns because they apply a positive charge to the paint particles, which are then attracted to the negatively charged surface being painted, resulting in more even coverage and reduced overspray. This electrostatic attraction allows for better transfer efficiency, less waste, and overall improved finish quality.

What do you mean by electrical double wrapped cross joint?

An electrical double wrapped cross joint is just like an ordinary cross joint but double wrapped with electrical tape. It is used where two tap conductors need to extend away from the branch conductor in the opposite direction and is stronger than the ordinary cross joint.


Stranded conductors are more flexible than solid conductors.

Metals are conductors of heat and electricity?

Yes, but some metals are better conductors than others.

Why are metals better conductors than ceramics?

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If ther are more than conductors in the raceway the ampacity of the conductors must be derated?

Ampacity must be derated depending on the number of conductors and the ambient temperature. In the Canadian Electrical Code Table 5C denotes derating for the number of conductors. 1-3 conductors = 100% load 4-6 conductors = 80% 7-24 conductors = 70% 25-42 conductors = 60% 43 or more conductors = 50%