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Q: Why are stakeholders more important than others?
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Can an internal stakeholder be considered a primary stakeholder?

It depends on the project. Sometimes internal stakeholders are much more important than external stakeholders, sometimes external stakeholders don't even exist in the project (it's mainly an internal project). So I think the answer is Yes, an internal stakeholder can be considered a primary stakeholder.

Examples of primary stakeholders?

Primary stakeholders are the people who take part in economic transactions with the business. More often than not, they are internal stakeholders. Some examples are suppliers, stockholders, customers, creditors, and employees.

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More important than others.

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The most important is the porosity.

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Some appeals will be more effective with certain audiences than others.

Why some rules are more important than others?

some rules are more important because they are more serious like murdering someone is more serious then telling a lie to your parents.

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The moral that caring for others is equally or more important than the money

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because of his great defence towards other army's, and his sacrifice to his country.

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Jewish law and tradition teach explicitly that it is impossible to know which commandments are more or less important than others.