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Q: Why are simple machines important and how do they help us in your everyday life?
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What do basic simple machines do?

Help us in our everyday lives:)

What are the importance of a machine?

important machines are important because machines help people in everyway.

What are the formulas for simple machines?

the formulas for simple machines help find the ama, ima, and the efficency

How do simple machines help compound machines?

its make our life easier

How do simple machines help us make better use of your?

Oh yeah. Simple machines really help me make better use of my your. Ofcourse it help us a lot.

What do simple machines help do?

They make work easier

Use the six simple machines in a sentence?

Humans created machines to help them selves. But machines enslaved humans.

Are scientist important?

they invented new thihgs that we use in our daily life and can even save lives by the improvement of technology and machines.

How do simple machine affect the environment?

Simple machines are very useful for the environment. Because they do not need to usefossil fuels.

What would life be without simple machines?

Do you mean technological development? Then the answer is no. All complex machines are made up of simple machines in various combinations. Without the one, you can't have the other. The world would go on, of course, but the technological complexities of its modern civilizations could not exist without simple machines.

Advantages of simple machines?

Simple machines are considered simple because they usually only have one part or need one force to work.

Simple machines are used because they?

Help do a job more easly