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They aren't. High-level languages can either be compiled, interpreted or both. Conversely, low-level languages are assembled.

A compiled language is one that requires a compiler program. The compiler may produce machine code, assembly code or byte code. Machine code can be executed directly without the aid of any additional runtime software -- it is the native language of the machine. Assembly code must be assembled to produce machine code. Languages that compile to assembly code give the programmer the opportunity to optimise the low-level code prior to assembly. Byte code, on the other hand, is code that must be interpreted by an interpreter.

An interpreted language is one where the source code cannot run by itself and must be interpreted by a runtime program, the interpreter. That is, the machine code is produced at runtime by the interpreter and must be re-interpreted every time the program is run. This results in much slower performance and greater memory consumption compared to the machine code programs produced by a compiler or assembler. However, the source code can be executed immediately without waiting for the entire program to be compiled, which can be time consuming with large programs.

C and C++ are both compiled languages that produce machine code. Java, on the other hand, is both compiled and interpreted because it compiles to byte code which is suitable for interpretation by the Java virtual machine. Java's main advantage is that the byte code will operate upon any platform that provides a Java virtual machine implementation (which is pretty much every device these days), without the need to recompile. Conversely, both C and C++ must be recompiled for each target platform. The advantage of these languages is the programs perform better and with less memory consumption than their Java counterparts. More importantly, since they do not require a runtime program to operate, they can be used to write operating systems, drivers and embedded software as well as applications, whereas Java is limited to applications software only.

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It would be more precise to say that some programming languages are called high level programming languages.

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Q: Why are high-level programming languages known as compiled languages?
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Does each programming language have its own specific IDE?

No. Some languages are interpreted, not compiled.No. Some languages are interpreted, not compiled.No. Some languages are interpreted, not compiled.No. Some languages are interpreted, not compiled.

What are the five high level programming language?

1.First Generation Programming LanguageFirst generation of programming language refers to machine language. Machine language is lower level language which uses object code (some times also known as machine code). Object code is the combination of binary digits. These languages directly talk to hardware.2.Second Generation Programming LanguageSecond generation of languages is also low level language which is known as assembly language. Assembly languages are the interface between Machine level languages and High level languages.3.Third Generation Programming LanguageThird Generation programming languages are High level Programming languages like JAVA & C.4.Fourth Generation Programming LanguageThis is the set of current generation programming languages. These languages are similar or closer to human languages.General characteristics of 4GL are:i.Closer to human languagesii.Portableiii.Database supportiveiv.simple and requires less effort than 3GLv.Non proceduralDifferent types of 4 GL are:a. Query Generatorb. Report generatorc. Form Generatord. Application Generatore. GUI Generatorf. Relational Database Manager5.Fifth Generation Programming LanguageLanguages used for writing programs for Artificial Intelligence, Neural Network, Plasma Computing etc. come under 5GL. This is the future of programming language.

Types of programming language that is machine independent?

FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator) is the best-known earliest example of machine independent language. This is where the language is not dependent on the characteristics of the computer. COBAL (COmmon Business-Orientated Language) is the other type of programming language that is machine independent. COBAL was developed by the US Navy for business applications.

What is difference between c and oops?

C is a programming language, oops is what you say when you realize you were wrong in something. Note: Some programming languages are known as object-orient languages, C is not one of them, but some derivatives of it (C++, C#, Java) are.

Applets are written in what programming language?

There are many types of applets, and they can be written in many different languages, but you're probably referring to the most widely known Java applets. So, they're written in a programming language called Java.

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Does each programming language have its own specific IDE?

No. Some languages are interpreted, not compiled.No. Some languages are interpreted, not compiled.No. Some languages are interpreted, not compiled.No. Some languages are interpreted, not compiled.

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Notch wrote Minecraft using the Java programming language.

What are the five high level programming language?

1.First Generation Programming LanguageFirst generation of programming language refers to machine language. Machine language is lower level language which uses object code (some times also known as machine code). Object code is the combination of binary digits. These languages directly talk to hardware.2.Second Generation Programming LanguageSecond generation of languages is also low level language which is known as assembly language. Assembly languages are the interface between Machine level languages and High level languages.3.Third Generation Programming LanguageThird Generation programming languages are High level Programming languages like JAVA & C.4.Fourth Generation Programming LanguageThis is the set of current generation programming languages. These languages are similar or closer to human languages.General characteristics of 4GL are:i.Closer to human languagesii.Portableiii.Database supportiveiv.simple and requires less effort than 3GLv.Non proceduralDifferent types of 4 GL are:a. Query Generatorb. Report generatorc. Form Generatord. Application Generatore. GUI Generatorf. Relational Database Manager5.Fifth Generation Programming LanguageLanguages used for writing programs for Artificial Intelligence, Neural Network, Plasma Computing etc. come under 5GL. This is the future of programming language.

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Bill Gates is known to speak English fluently. Additionally, he has some proficiency in programming languages such as BASIC and machine code.

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Types of programming language that is machine independent?

FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator) is the best-known earliest example of machine independent language. This is where the language is not dependent on the characteristics of the computer. COBAL (COmmon Business-Orientated Language) is the other type of programming language that is machine independent. COBAL was developed by the US Navy for business applications.

Are Second-generation languages are also known as assembly languages?

Yes, that is correct. Second-generation languages, also known as assembly languages, provide a low-level interface between software and hardware. They use mnemonic codes and symbolic names to represent machine code instructions, making programming closer to the hardware level compared to high-level languages.

Computer programming how has it changed since it was discovered?

Computer programming wasn't discovered. You can only discover things that are created by nature or that already exist. Computer programming was invented. Without programming languages, we'd be forced to program digital computers using the machine's own native language: machine code. Writing machine code is extremely difficult because everything has to be converted to binary. While not impossible, it is highly repetitive, laborious and prone to error. Moreover, the code for one machine was specific to that machine's architecture. If we wanted to run the same program on another machine with a different architecture, we had to start from scratch. However, for many years, that is precisely what we did because keyboard-entry systems simply didn't exist; everything had be encoded manually by setting banks of switches or by punching holes in chains of cards. Keyboard-entry systems brought about the second generation of programming languages that became known as assembly languages. These languages were low-level, machine-specific symbolic languages, however we no longer had to convert everything to binary, the computer could do that for us using a simple translation program known as an assembler. Each assembly instruction mapped 1:1 with a specific instruction within the machine's instruction set. Numeric data (such as memory addresses) could be encoded in decimal, hexadecimal, octal or binary itself. Although the programming was still quite primitive and difficult to read, human-readable comments written in plain English that were ignored by the assembler could be included in the code itself, thus making it much easier for code maintainers to follow the logic of another programmer's code (as well as their own!). Assemblers made it possible to create more complex programs and one of the earliest of these programs was known as a compiler. This was capable of translating a more complex, third-generation, high-level symbolic language where each individual statement could be translated into dozens of individual assembly instructions. The languages became more human-friendly, more English-like, and could be constructed such that the same source code could be compiled by different compilers to produce binary encodings for a wide variety of machine types and architectures. Programming was no longer machine-specific -- it was portable! These newer languages made it possible to write ever more complex compilers for ever more complex languages, introducing modular programming, functional programming, structured programming, object-oriented programming and so on. Each new language borrowed ideas from existing languages, combining them, enhancing them, making them easier to use. Along with compiled languages, interpreted languages were also created. Interpreted languages are not compiled into machine code, rather they are translated while they execute. Interpretation speeds up the development cycle because programmers no longer have wait for a program to fully compile before it can be tested (which could many minutes or even hours for large programs), they can simply code and run, and even modify code while it is running! Interpreted languages are not as fast as the native-machine code programs produced by compilers, but they help to quickly test new ideas before committing to a compiled language. Although compiled languages produce the fastest code, the code is machine-specific and must be compiled separately for each supported platform. Interpreted languages are interpreted at runtime and are therefore much easier to distribute, however the source code is exposed for all to see. Modern languages like Java and C# are both compiled and interpreted. Interpreting high-level instructions is a time-consuming process which adversely affects performance. But by compiling the high-level code to an intermediate encoding known as byte code, the code becomes much easier to interpret without sacrificing portability. The byte code can also be obfuscated to provide better protection to intellectual property -- the software itself.

What is add in in qtp?

Add-in helps an application to recognize unique objects, object properties, programming languages. it is also known as plug-ins.

What is difference between c and oops?

C is a programming language, oops is what you say when you realize you were wrong in something. Note: Some programming languages are known as object-orient languages, C is not one of them, but some derivatives of it (C++, C#, Java) are.

What does a web browser use to execute programs compiler or interpreter?

Because code to be executed in the web browser has to be able to run on any system (independent of the Operating System, CPU, or browser is being used), it needs to be transmitted in source code form rather than in a compiled object or executable form, because code is compiled for a specific "architecture" (a combination of OS, CPU, and other parameters). This means that compiled code is no longer universal. As a result, software for the web is typically written in so-called "interpreted" languages, which are executed directly from the program source.Some JavaScript and other interpreters actually do perform an optimization known as precompilation, where the code is first compiled internally for faster execution. This is also known as Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation. However, the compiled form of the code is discarded after use, rather than being permanently stored or transmitted over the network. Therefore, those programming languages are still considered interpreted.Notable exceptions to this are Java, which uses a compiled format (because compiled Java programs are universal; they run on an architecture-independent "Java Virtual Machine"), and some other plugin-based binary objects such as Flash.

What is add-ins in qtp?

Add-in helps an application to recognize unique objects, object properties, programming languages. it is also known as plug-ins.