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Computer programming/Software engineering is all about being meticulously careful about not making mistakes and catching and fixing the ones you do make before they can affect anyone else's work. When you are employed every work product you produce (e.g. code, documentation) will be carefully and microscopically peer reviewed by the other members of your development team.

Your teacher would be doing you a severe disservice to not be as critical of your classwork as your peers (and employer) will be of your work on your future job, where a minor design or coding error could cost the company millions of dollars or even a whole contract (and maybe you a job).

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Q: Why are computer programming teachers very tough with the students in terms of marking?
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Html vs traditional programming language?

HTML is not a programming language so it is very different to programming languages. HTML is really just for formatting text and laying out pages, what we call marking up a page. So it is a Markup Language. It can't really do anything interactive with you. Web pages that can do things normally have programming code built into them, with languages like Javascript. HTML can't even do simple things like calculations. Calculations are fundamental to programming languages, as are many other things like: making decisions, repeating instructions, storing data, processing data, and many other things. HTML can't do any of those things. HTML borrows some things from programming, like the facility to use comments, encouraging people to lay out their code properly and the use of simple English-like commands. If people have learned how to use HTML, it is still a big step up to grasp the concepts of programming. There are also very many programming languages, many of them specialising in doing certain kinds of jobs. Many are very complicated and technical and can be quite cryptic, making them hard to learn. They can also be very strict in how you have to do things, and even simple errors can stop your program working. Programming can be very frustrating because of that. You need to learn and understand a lot more things to write programs than you need for creating HTML pages. HTML is a lot less complicated. You can even make some basic mistakes and your page will still work. HTML can be learned very simply and quickly. It is very easy to show someone how to create a simple web page with HTML. So there is a very big difference between HTML and programming languages.

Examples of lining tools?

Examples of lining tools include the carpenterÕs pencil, the marking gauge, the chalk line and the awl. Basically, lining tools are used for marking locations.

What is a Class A circuit breaker?

A Class "A" Circuit breaker is a Ground Fault Interrupt (GFI or GFCI) breaker ."Class A" marking -- A "Class A" ground-fault device is intended to protect people. The Class A marking indicates that the trip threshold of the GFCI is between 4 mA and 6 mA. This marking may be in any location except the back.

Why is clear and dimensional accuracy needed in marking out to specification and drawing requirements?


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A marking guide is a document that outlines the criteria and standards used to assess and evaluate a student's work. It provides clear expectations for students and helps teachers provide consistent and fair feedback. Marking guides are commonly used in education to assist with grading assignments, projects, or assessments.

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yes they do sometimes for training or marking.

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