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in energy signal power iz zero according to this equation P=E/2T

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Q: Why any signal with finite energy will have zero power?
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What is power signal and what is energy signal?

Those signals which have finite energy and zero power known as energy signal..Those signals which have infinite energy and finite power known as power signal..

Unit step signal is energy or power signal?

The unit step signal is a Power signal. Since when we find the power it comes to 1/2 (i.e finite value). And when we find its energy, we got INFINITY. If a signal has energy as infinity and power as a finite non-zero value, then it is a power signal, not an energy signal.

Why random signals are called power signals?

Energy signals are finite duration. That means if a random signal is energy type, all its realizations or its sample functions must be zero at infinity. So its expected value or mean is zero at infinity. On the other hand, a stationary process has a time invariant mean. So if its expected value is zero in infinity, it will be zero in any time. In summary if a stationary random signal is energy, its expected value must be zero every time. But It is not correct for all signals. So it is not energy type.

Differences between energy and power signals?

Energy signals have finite energy over time, meaning that the total energy is finite. Power signals have finite power over time, meaning that the average power is finite. Energy signals have zero power; power signals have infinite energy.

What is band limited signal?

A signal is said to be a band limited signal if all of it's frequency components are zero above a certain finite frequency. i.e it's power spectral density should be zero above the finite frequency.

Why do you use energy signal in real life although power of the energy signal is zero?

see p=E/t whr E is energy of a sig and t is time, if p iz zero it means t=0 and energy iz infinite means we can use max energy of a signal to travel it long distance,,,,,and it is possible only when power iz zero........

Is there any signal with infinite energy and zero power?

sadly no. but we are coming close to it here in Yale with our science lab experiments. drop by if you can.

Why is an empty set a finite set?

An empty set is considered a finite set because it contains zero (0) elements and zero is a finite number.

Why is it imposible to attain the absolute zero temperature?

Attaining absolute zero temperature is impossible because it represents the complete absence of thermal energy in a system, which is practically unattainable. As thermal energy decreases, it becomes increasingly difficult to remove the last remaining trace of energy to reach absolute zero. Additionally, the third law of thermodynamics states that it is impossible to reach absolute zero through a finite number of processes.

What does the zero shift mean?

elevated signal at zero output

How can you generate blanking and raster ramp signal using fpga?

Blanking Means it's a Zero signal. But that zero signal is operate some V volts.

What do you mean by phase error in induction type energy meter?

IT means when torque is not zero even at zero power factor?? are you in IPU??