

Best Answer
Answer to Why ASCII has only 255 codesAs you know the alphabet has 26 letters. If you include capital letter that would be 52. There is also lots of punctuation, digits we end up with 127. But there is other function buttons (example. Ctrl + Alt + Del) we need to get more space.

If we use 7 binary digits (Computers counting systems is binary) we end up with 127. That isn't enough to hold all the characters. So we make it 8 binary digits. The maximum number for 8 binary digits is 11111111. Which in our counting system is 255.

AnswerASCII is a 7-bit character encoding, so it has only 128 codes: 0 through 127. The upper 128 codes in an 8-bit byte (128 through 255) are unused and undefined by ASCII, but many ASCII extensions (such us ISO-8859-1) make use of those unused codes.
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8-bit is enough to contain all alpha numeric characters in English and then some (control characters) , so going larger than 8 was pointless.

Today stuff like UTF-8 need to have more than 8 bits a char as it has a huge number of characters and symbols as it supports a ton of spoken languages and symbols

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Q: Why ASCII has 8 bits only?
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How many bit are used to encode an ASCII character?

All ASCII character sets have exactly 128 characters, thus only 7-bits are required to represent each character as an integer in the range 0 to 127 (0x00 to 0x7F). If additional bits are available (most systems use at least an 8-bit byte), all the high-order bits must be zeroed. ANSI is similar to ASCII but uses 8-bit encodings rather than 7-bit encodings. If bit-7 (the high-order bit of an 8-bit byte) is not set (0), the 8-bit encoding typically represents one of the 128 standard ASCII character codes (0-127). If set (1), it represents a character from the extended ASCII character set (128-255). To ensure correct interpretation of the encodings, most ANSI code pages are standardised to include the standard ASCII character set, however the extended character set depends upon which ANSI code page was active during encoding and the same code page must be used during decoding. ANSI typically caters for US/UK-English characters (using ASCII) along with foreign language support, mostly European (Spanish, German, French, Italian). Languages which require more characters than can be provided by ANSI alone must use a multi-byte encoding, such as fixed-width UNICODE or variable-width UTF-8. However, these encodings are standardised such that the first 128 characters (the standard ASCII character set) have the same 7-bit representation (with all high-order bits zeroed).

How many bits are required to store AR in computer memory?

In ASCII code, each letter, number or punctuation mark takes one byte, or 8 bits. That gives you 256 discrete combinations. Two letters take 2 bytes, or 16 bits.

What is the difference between ascii and ebcdic?

Due to the advancement of technology and our use of computers, the importance of ASCII and EBCDIC have all but ebbed. Both were important in the process of language encoding, however ASCII used 7 bits to encode characters before being extended where EBCDIC used 8 bits for that same process. ASCII has more characters than its counterpart and its ordering of letters is linear. EBCDIC is not. There are different versions of ASCII and despite this, most are compatible to one another; due to IBMs exclusive monopolization of EBCDIC, this encoding cannot meet the standards of modern day encoding schemes, like Unicode.

Where does negative ASCII value used?

There is no such thing as a negative ASCII value. ASCII values are always in the range 0-255. In C++, a char is defined as an unsigned integer of 8-bits in length (wide chars are unsigned integers of 16-bit length). Since they are unsigned, they can never be negative. C differs from C++ in that a C char is generally represented as a signed integer (typically 32-bits on a 32-bit system). However, when cast as a character, only the low-order byte is used, which effectively ignores the sign in the high-order byte. In other words, the absolute value is used, regardless of the sign. The same applies to wide characters.

Why calculating with cheat engine is always X 8?

This is because the byte values ​​are converted into bits. because you can only work with bits....

Related questions

How many bits are in extended ASCII byte?

An extended ASCII byte (like all bytes) contains 8 bits, or binary digits.

What is the efficiency of ascii character using asynchronous data with two stop bits?

The efficiency of ascii characters using asynchronous data transfer protocol with two stop bits is 8 in 11, or 72%. There is one start bit, eight data bits*, and two stop bits. That is 11 bit cells, in which a payload of 8 bits is possible, hence the 8 in 11. *Actually there are only 7 data bits in ASCII... latin-1 and several other incompatible extensions to ASCII have 8. Which one is in use varies between languages - many European countries use different encodings which have the same meanings for the first 128 characters but different for the second 128 depending on what extra characters are required in the language in question. If the payload was 7 bits, for pure ASCII, then the efficiency with one start bit and two stop bits would be 7 in 10, or 70%.

How many characters in 32bits?

If the characters are 8 bits then you have 4 for them in 32 bits. ASCII is an 7 bit character set but in most programming languages a char is 8 bits.

Why does ascii go 0-255?

1 byte is made up of 8 bits.In Binary 8 bits have a value of 0-255, therefore any character in ASCII will only take up a physical space of 1 byte.

Love you to bits?

In ASCII encoding, if that's what you mean by "bits": 110110011011111110110110010100100000111100111011111110101 That's "love you", in ASCII.

How many characters are in a nibble?

A nibble (also known as a nybble or nyble) can represent half a character(two nibbles are needed for a valid ASCII character). A nibble is made up of 4 bits and those 4 bits are usually represented by a single hexadecimal value. 4 bits only allows for 16 combinations, 8 bits allows for 255. An ASCII character is represented by two hexadecimal characters, which is the same as 8 bits or two nibbles.

What are the similarities between ascii-7 and ascii-8?

First of all ASCII is encoding system that tells how binary data from file could be represented as text. Is was and still is very widely used starting 1960s. Standard ASCII encoding is 7-bits encoding allowing 128 values, while Extended ASCII is 8-bits encoding which allows 256 values, that is 128 more characters in the table. First 128 Extended ASCII table characters is the same as ASCII table, next 128 is additional characters.

Original ASCII codes were 7 bit or 8 bit?

ASCII is a 7 bit code. There are many nonstandard extensions of ASCII to 8 or 9 bits by various computer companies. ASCII was developed to replace the obsolete 6 bit BAUDOT teletype code and was never originally intended for use on computers.

Why ASCII code is 0 to 255?

it's because it's 8 bits in binary system, 2^8 = 256 combinations from 0 to 255

What is the limitation of ASCII code?

Basic ASCII does not have enough bits to deal with languages with large character sets.

How many bytes make up each letter in the alphabet?

ASCII = 7 bit Unicode = 16 bits UTF-8 =8 bit

Which is the standard used for converting keystroke into corresponding bits?