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Thomas Young, a Quaker medical doctor is credited with the invention of the Ripple Tank, still used today in colleges and high schools to demonstrate the basic principles of the wave. The design was simple and has become a classic teaching tool.

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Q: Who inveted the ripple tank?
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Who inveted the first tank?

Leonardo Di Vinchi

Who invented ripple tank?

Thomas Youngâ??s interest in wave behavior led him also to invent the ripple tank. This tank is still used today to analyze and illustrate wave behavior.

What is the name given to physical therapy whirlpools?

Ripple tank.

Can you change the wavelength of waves in a ripple tank?

Yes, you can change the wavelength of waves in a ripple tank by adjusting the frequency of the wave generator. Increasing the frequency will decrease the wavelength, while decreasing the frequency will increase the wavelength of the waves produced in the tank.

How can you make a wave appear stationary in a ripple tank?

blow it up

Using ripple tank explain the following characteristics of a waveReflectionRefractionInterference and Diffraction?


How does a ripple tank make the waves more visible?

A ripple tank creates waves by vibrating a surface with a motor underneath the tank. This makes the surface of the water move up and down, creating the waves that are more visible due to the light shining from above, which reflects off the waves and reveals their patterns and behaviors.

What are the parts of a ripple tank?

oscillating paddle,wave dampers,wave barriers,viewing screen,wave generator,legs,tank,lights and etc.

How is refraction achieved in a ripple tank?

Refraction in a ripple tank is achieved by changing the speed of the waves as they pass from one medium to another, resulting in a change in direction. This change occurs because the waves travel at different speeds in different mediums, causing them to bend as they pass through the boundary.

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