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well first i farted and secand you guys dident give me ANY help at all

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Q: Who invented the first water turbine?
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Did LEster Alan Pelton invent the water turbine?

Pelton invented a free jet water turbine called the Pelton wheel or Pelton turbine

Who invented the first wind turbine?

The inventor of the wind turbine was Charles F. Brush in 1888.

When were wind turbines invented?

The first wind turbine was invented in 1888. The fellow who invented it was Charles F. Brush.

When was the steam machine invented?

The first steam machine was the simple turbine invented by Hero of Alexandria in 100AD. The first practical steam driven machine was the beam engine invented by the Cornish engineer Newcomen in the 18th century. It was used to pump water out of the tin mines.

What is the differences between pelton turbine and kaplan turbine?

pelton turbines are suited to high head,low flow application but kaplan turbine are used for low head and a large amount of discharge needed. kaplan turbines are expensive to design,manufacture and install as compared to pelton turbine but operate for decades.

When was Francis turbine invented?


Who invented the wind turbine?

Charles F. Brush invented the wind turbine in 1888. The wind turbine is an excellent form of alternative energy that many say that Charles F. Bush is a huge contributor in.

Who invented the automatically wind turbine and how?

charle.t.brush did

What was invented in the 1880s-1920s?

wind turbine

Who invented the gas turbine and what is it's main use today?

The gas turbine was invented by John Barber in 1791. They're mainly used in vehicles today.

What was the first gas turbine car?

The Chrysler turbine car 1962-1964 was the first turbine production car.

Who invented the first wind terbine?

Nobody "invented" wind. It is a feature of the planet; it's always been here.