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Ancient Man.

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Q: Who invented the first person to invent a plan?
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Who was the first person to invent a map?

That's prehistory - some caveman scratching a plan in the dirt.

What is another word for Devise?

concoct, plan, create, scheme, develop, formulate, conceive, invent, contrive.

What is a good sentence for the word invent?

The sister devised a plan to beat her opponent at Chess.

Who invented the darkside in skating?

Rodney Mullen Pretty sure the first one was in plan b virtual reality

Who wrote the schlieffen plan?

the plan was invented by a count, count Arnold Von Schlieffen

What do you need to make a great plan?

To make a great plan, a person should first decide what they want the outcome of the plan to be. Next, the person should begin to list all the things in order for the plan to come together. The final step is putting all the plans in place and making sure they all pan out.

What is the history of commercial flight?

Well first a guy tryed a new plan and loved it so he disided to build a company and that is how commercial flights were invented.

What person opposed Hamilton's financial plan?

the person who opposed Hamilton's plan was thomas Jefferson

What is a synonym for the word invent?

There are many synonyms for the word invent. Some of those are: compose, author, imagine, originate, and plan. There is an online thesaurus as well as personal thesauruses for any other synonyms that are needed in the future.

Why did Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot invent the car?

He was in the french army and his original plan was to use the vehicle to carry cannons.

Why are human invented?

Because God has a plan for all of us :)

Who invented nursing care plan?

there is several that invented nursing care and one that i am sticking with is Clara Barton