in 1925
Transistor transistor logic is one type of many different types of bipolar transistor based digital logic circuitry. It is very efficiently implemented in integrated circuit chips, needs only one power supply voltage, and operates at reasonably high speeds. Transistor transistor logic was first developed in the middle 1960s as a modification of the diode transistor logic, then in use in some digital logic integrated circuit chips but dating back to the earliest discrete bipolar transistor logic developed in the late 1950s and derived from vacuum tube point contact diode logic used in many early first generation computers. Transistor transistor logic integrated circuits dominated the computer and electronic digital controller market from the late 1960s until the middle 1980s, when metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor based microprocessors and microcontrollers began to replace it. By the early 1990s transistor transistor logic and other bipolar transistor based digital logic integrated circuits had been replaced with equivalent complementary metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor integrated circuits that were both faster and consumed less power (thus running much cooler) or with programmable logic devices of various types. In general transistor transistor logic is now considered obsolete.
A silicon transistor is a transistor made of silicon.
Similar to a 2N3906 PNP transistor
I believe that is resistor transistor technology TTL transistor transistor logic
Bell Labs
in 1925
The word "transistor" is a blend of "transfer" and "resistor," reflecting its function of transferring electrical signals across a resistor. It was coined by John R. Pierce, an engineer at Bell Laboratories, where the first transistor was developed in 1947.
I know it was BELL laboratory in the fifty I believe
Emitter biasing is when you add a resistor between the emitter of a transistor and the 0v rail so that any voltage developed across the emitter will subtract from the voltage on the base and effectively turn the transistor OFF. We are talking about an NPN transistor and the transistor is an "ordinary transistor" or BJT (bi-polar Junction Transistor). For more information on transistor biasing see: Talking Electronics website.
They invented the first transistor.
1947 at Bell Labs. It was a germanium point contact transistor.
Transistor transistor logic is one type of many different types of bipolar transistor based digital logic circuitry. It is very efficiently implemented in integrated circuit chips, needs only one power supply voltage, and operates at reasonably high speeds. Transistor transistor logic was first developed in the middle 1960s as a modification of the diode transistor logic, then in use in some digital logic integrated circuit chips but dating back to the earliest discrete bipolar transistor logic developed in the late 1950s and derived from vacuum tube point contact diode logic used in many early first generation computers. Transistor transistor logic integrated circuits dominated the computer and electronic digital controller market from the late 1960s until the middle 1980s, when metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor based microprocessors and microcontrollers began to replace it. By the early 1990s transistor transistor logic and other bipolar transistor based digital logic integrated circuits had been replaced with equivalent complementary metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor integrated circuits that were both faster and consumed less power (thus running much cooler) or with programmable logic devices of various types. In general transistor transistor logic is now considered obsolete.
aliens from the Roswell crash
he invented the first transistor