Yes. You can use AJAX to submit the form. You can also use AJAX to get the actual HTML to produce the form (although you might also simply use that AJAX call to describe the form and then produce the HTML on the receiving end.)
AJAX is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Extensible markup language). Ajax allows continued interaction with the server while not requiring a page to be manually refreshed to display new data.
no, there is no access to host file system from AJAX
There's no debate that JavaScript is the most widely used language client-side on the Web. We are using JavaScript for everything, from form validations to full Ajax applications. Client side java script (CSJS) Frameworks/Libraries for creating an Ajax web applications:ReactJSAngularJS.ReactJSAngularJS
Html, javascript, ajax
Asynchronous java-script and XML, or its acronym Ajax.
There were two Ajax. Ajax Oileades and Ajax the greater.
you mean JavaApplet or Ajax? I do not think you can compare java as a whole and AJAX. Ajax is a simple implementation of JAvascript .
Unfortunately I am not specialst in AjaX, but I can advice you these online tutorials:php tutorials. There are many articles about php, AjaX and interaction between AjaX and PHP in whole.
Ajax is the new name for Aspen.
Ajax Maharlika is 5' 9".
Ajax Heroes was created in 1934.
Ajax Records ended in 1926.
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Ajax. has written: 'The German pirate'
Ajax Records was created in 1921.