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The two most common metals used to make knives are steel and iron.

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Q: Which two metals are most commonly used to make a knifes blade?
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The proper name for a shoulder blade is the scapula.

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Metals such as copper, silver, and palladium are commonly alloyed with gold to make it harder and more durable. The addition of these metals also affects the color and other properties of the gold alloy.

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Gold and platinum are two shiny metals commonly used to make high-quality jewelry due to their durability, luster, and resistance to tarnishing.

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he did not make them he just promoted them

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Who are the creators of Case hunting knives?

The creators of the Case hunting knifes are W.R. Case and his sons. They make fixed blades and folding knifes to use outdoor while hunting on animals.

What did cutlers do?

make and repair knifes and other sharp objects khaos dragon x

Why does iron improve the life of Inuits?

because it helps them make knifes and other weapons