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Q: Which step of technological design is represented by Once a device is developed to eliminate air bubbles in an IV line its use is adopted by hospitals?
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Neuromuscular Therapy was developed by Stanley Leif for use in US hospitals is the 1930's.

Are there any hospitals in London?

Yes!! There are hospitals in all cities in developed countries and there is more than one in London. The nearest hospital to Central London in St Thomas' Hospital, right opposite Big Ben.

What is the standard number of hospitals?

their is no standard number it on how developed the town/city is ,and population. some towns cant afford a hospital.

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Amarillo is considered urban, as it is a city with a population of over 200,000 people and a well-developed infrastructure including hospitals, schools, and businesses.

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Don Hawkinson is my name. I head up Mercy Institute. We have developed a treatment to help sick children in the "developing world." We wish to provide it for hospitals throughout Africa. Groups in the U.S. would adopt hospitals or clinics in Africa. Our approach is to use natural medicine. Possible groups would include... 1. Churches 2. Hospitals 3.Service clubs 4. Businesses 5. Schools Any input you have would be appreciated.

Why should we eliminate all federal taxes?

Your question calls for an opinion. My opinion is we should not eliminate all Federal taxes. They pay for the Federal government to operate. That includes the military, transportation regulation (like air traffic controllers) government hospitals, courts, prisons, regulators like OSHA and the EPA, Center for Disease Control, Food & Drug Administration, etc.

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How many hospitals in the United States? Answer: According to the AHA there are approx 5,815 Registered Hospitals in the US. 5,010 Community Hospitals 213 Federal Government Hospitals 447 Non Federal Psychiatric Hospitals 129 Non Federal Long Term Care Hospitals 16 Hospitals of Institutions(Prisons Hospitals, Collage Infirmaries etc...).

Did Tudors have hospitals?

No ! They did not have hospitals !!!!!The info above is wrong.They did have hospitals and all doctors were men.

What are 3 examples of a government hospital?

burn hospitals, oncology hospitals, or pediatric hospitals

Can you work in a hospital with an occupational therapy degree?

There are hospitals that do hire occupational therapists.There are hospitals that do hire occupational therapists.There are hospitals that do hire occupational therapists.There are hospitals that do hire occupational therapists.There are hospitals that do hire occupational therapists.There are hospitals that do hire occupational therapists.

Are there Teddy bear hospitals?

I think there are bear hospitals but im not chure I think there are bear hospitals but im not chure I think there are bear hospitals but im not chure I think there are bear hospitals but im not chure I think there are bear hospitals but im not chure

How can you protect hospitals?

We can protect hospitals by following these simple and easy points. We should throw garbage into dust bin to avoid pollution in hospitals. We should care patients of hospitals. By improving medical system of hospitals. By improving security system of hospitals.