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A pulley

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Q: Which simple machine is used to bring water up from ground from well?
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What is a machine that can land on ground and water?

That'd be an amphibious airplane

Is a water globe a compound machine?

A water globe is not considered a compound machine. A compound machine is a device that consists of two or more simple machines working together to accomplish a task. A water globe typically operates as a simple, standalone object.

What type of simple machine is a cap on a water bottle?

A pulley

What simple machine is a canoe?

A canoe is not considered a simple machine. It is a type of watercraft that is typically used for transportation on water bodies like rivers and lakes.

What type of simple machine is found on a water bottle capleverwheel and axlepulleyscrew?

What type of simple machine is found on a water bottle cap? lever wheel and axle pulley screw

What input is needed to do the job no machine can ever decrease?

ground water

Is it legal in TX for washing machine water to run out on the ground?

No, it contaminates ground water. Must be properly drained through the sewer system.

What kind of simple machine is a handle of a water faucet?

Wheel and axel

What simple machine is a shadf?

A shadf is a machine that the ancient Egyptian used to get water from the Nile to their crops

What simple machine is in a washing machine?

A washing machine contains several simple machines, such as pulleys, gears, and levers. These simple machines work together to create mechanical advantage, allowing the washing machine to agitate, spin, and drain water effectively.

What is water energy used for?

mainly a water well is used to bring water up from the ground

How do we get water from the ground?

Water can be extracted from the ground through wells. Wells are drilled or dug deep into the ground until they reach a water source such as an aquifer. Once the well is constructed, a pump is used to bring the water to the surface for use.