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It cannot be produced by Milling machine...where it can be done by Forming and Rolling and turning methods..

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Q: Which process cannot be used to produce external threads?
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What is the difference between a Parent Process and Foreground Process?

A parent process is a process that has spawned one or more child processes such that it takes "ownership" of those processes. A foreground process typically means a process that has a user-interface as opposed to a background process which typically does not. Most background processes are services while most foreground processes are applications. It's important to note that the term "process" has a specific meaning in a multi-processing environment. A process is a computer program that has one or more threads of execution. A thread is the machine-level representation of a task and a process may instantiate as many tasks as are required (hardware permitting). All tasks share the same memory space as the process itself, however each task has its own stack for local storage, as well as to enable the thread's function call-and-return mechanism in addition to thread-local exception handling. Every process must have at least one thread of execution typically referred to as the main thread because that is the thread that executes the program's global main function (the entry point of the application) and subsequently instantiates any additional threads required by the main thread. The additional threads are usually called worker threads and any thread can instantiate its own worker threads. Unlike parent/child processes, thread's cannot "own" other threads; the threads are owned by the process. However, it is possible for worker threads to be controlled by other threads in the same process, so in that sense the controlling thread can be said to be a parent thread. When the main function returns, the main thread terminates, however any active threads within the process will continue executing, thus keeping the process "alive". In many cases this would be undesirable particularly if those threads attempt to access shared memory that is released by the main thread. So although there is no notion of ownership amongst threads, any controlling thread that must terminate before its workers have completed their tasks should signal its workers to terminate and then wait for them to terminate before terminating itself. Threads of execution within a process execute concurrently. All this means is that the operating system's task scheduler gives each thread a time-slice of the CPU to do some work, before saving the thread's state and moving onto the next thread (which may belong to another process entirely). Task-switching is so rapid that it can appear as though all threads are executing simultaneously, however that is only physically possible when the CPU has 2 or more cores available. Only one thread may execute upon any single core at any given moment. Multiple threads are typically used to maintain responsiveness. In a GUI environment, a time-consuming task would take up the entire time-slice of a process so it won't be able to respond to any messages on the message queue unless the task specifically checks the queue periodically. However, by using a worker thread to carry out the task, the controlling thread can remain responsive to messages. The message queue can also be used by threads to signal other threads, thus a controlling thread can respond to periodic progress reports from its worker threads if required. In this sense it can be said that the worker threads are background tasks, while the controlling thread is the foreground task.

Can a multithread solution using multiple user level threads achieve better performance on a multiprocessor system than on a single processor system?

A multithreaded system comprising of multiple user-levelthreads cannot make use of the different processors in a multiprocessorsystem simultaneously. The operating system sees only a single processand will not schedule the different threads of the process on separateprocessors. Consequently, there is no performance benefit associatedwith executing multiple user-level threads on a multiprocessor system.

Why DC cannot produce induction?

DC is uni-directional so it cant produce induction.

What is the relation between a thread and a process?

Threads exist within the same process; they can share memory and take less time to perform a "context switch;" they are part of the same program running in parallel processing units. Threads each have their own dedicated memory, and a shared memory area. Processes are entirely partitioned units of executing code. They cannot directly share memory with each other without assistance from the operating system, and are protected from each other by the operating system (in most modern operating systems, that is). They require more time to perform a context switch, as the entire task must be swapped out of the CPU instead of just the thread stack.

What are the advantages of threads over processes?

Threads in distributed applications have the same benefits as in any other application: they allow you to perform multiple operations at the same time. Specifically for distributed applications, the server will most definitely be multi-threaded so that it can communicate with all of the clients. The clients will also most likely have at least two threads: one for communication with the server and one for doing actual data processing.

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Just because you protect threads with critical sections does not mean the threads cannot be interrupted by the system. What it does mean is that, if the threads are correctly protected with the same critical section, the threads cannot interrupt each other. If this is not true, then your code is defective. Make sure the thread blocks when the critical section cannot be entered, and that it properly releases the critical section when it is done.

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Photosynthesis cannot occur without carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight to produce glucose and oxygen. Without carbon dioxide, plants would not be able to carry out photosynthesis and produce food.

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External is an absolute. There cannot be comparative or superlative forms.

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Plants cannot make glucose in darkness, because the process for a plant to produce glucose requires sunlight.

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Photosynthesis in plants cannot occur without carbon dioxide, as it is a key component of the process. Without carbon dioxide, plants would not be able to produce glucose and oxygen through the photosynthesis process.

What is the difference between a Parent Process and Foreground Process?

A parent process is a process that has spawned one or more child processes such that it takes "ownership" of those processes. A foreground process typically means a process that has a user-interface as opposed to a background process which typically does not. Most background processes are services while most foreground processes are applications. It's important to note that the term "process" has a specific meaning in a multi-processing environment. A process is a computer program that has one or more threads of execution. A thread is the machine-level representation of a task and a process may instantiate as many tasks as are required (hardware permitting). All tasks share the same memory space as the process itself, however each task has its own stack for local storage, as well as to enable the thread's function call-and-return mechanism in addition to thread-local exception handling. Every process must have at least one thread of execution typically referred to as the main thread because that is the thread that executes the program's global main function (the entry point of the application) and subsequently instantiates any additional threads required by the main thread. The additional threads are usually called worker threads and any thread can instantiate its own worker threads. Unlike parent/child processes, thread's cannot "own" other threads; the threads are owned by the process. However, it is possible for worker threads to be controlled by other threads in the same process, so in that sense the controlling thread can be said to be a parent thread. When the main function returns, the main thread terminates, however any active threads within the process will continue executing, thus keeping the process "alive". In many cases this would be undesirable particularly if those threads attempt to access shared memory that is released by the main thread. So although there is no notion of ownership amongst threads, any controlling thread that must terminate before its workers have completed their tasks should signal its workers to terminate and then wait for them to terminate before terminating itself. Threads of execution within a process execute concurrently. All this means is that the operating system's task scheduler gives each thread a time-slice of the CPU to do some work, before saving the thread's state and moving onto the next thread (which may belong to another process entirely). Task-switching is so rapid that it can appear as though all threads are executing simultaneously, however that is only physically possible when the CPU has 2 or more cores available. Only one thread may execute upon any single core at any given moment. Multiple threads are typically used to maintain responsiveness. In a GUI environment, a time-consuming task would take up the entire time-slice of a process so it won't be able to respond to any messages on the message queue unless the task specifically checks the queue periodically. However, by using a worker thread to carry out the task, the controlling thread can remain responsive to messages. The message queue can also be used by threads to signal other threads, thus a controlling thread can respond to periodic progress reports from its worker threads if required. In this sense it can be said that the worker threads are background tasks, while the controlling thread is the foreground task.

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Reptiles are cold-blooded, which means they rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature. They cannot produce their own body heat like warm-blooded animals. This reliance on external heat sources influences their behavior and activity levels.

What is the Difference between a single threaded file server and a multi-threaded file server?

Single thread means that the processor will wait until one 'process' is complete before it opens a new thread or 'process'. Multi-thread can handle multiple threads simultaneously making it faster and more responsive.