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Q: Which other kind of simple machines a specials kind of inclined plane?
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How is an inclined plane different from other simple machines?

it has no moving parts

Is a pulley an example of an inclined plane?

No, that's one of the other simple machines.

Is an pulley a example of a inclined plane?

No, that's one of the other simple machines.

Why ar stairs a inclined plane?

a stair is an inclined plane because it can make it eaiser for you to walk on it to get where you need inclined planes and other simple machines or even compound machines make our life eaiser

What are the six simple machines that all other machines made from?

Levers, Pulleys, Wheel & Axle, Inclined Planes, Wedges, and Screw.

What are simple macines?

Simple machines are basic devices or mechanical powers on which other machines are based (eg, lever, wedge, pulley, wheel and axle, inclined plane, screw).

At what time did people start to use inclined plains as machines?

People began to use inclined planes before recorded history. The wheel, the lever and a number of other simple machines predate writing.

What are the six simple machine that all other machines are made from?

Levers, Pulleys, Wheel & Axle, Inclined Planes, Wedges, and Screw.

What other simple machines make up a wedge?

There is 6 simple machine theres screw,lever,pulley,wedge,fulcrum,inclined plane thats all

How many parts do simple machines have?

there are six:2nd Answer:6.....six1. inclined plane2. wheel and axle3. wedge4. screw5. pulley6. fulcrumThere are 6 basic simple machinesPulleyLeverWedgeWheel & AxleInclined PlaneScrewThere are 6 types of simple machinesThey are:1. Pulley2. Lever3. Wheel and Axle4. Screw5. Wedge6. Inclined PlaneThere are 6 simple machines. They are the screw , wedge, inclined plane, pulley, lever and the wheel and axle.

What would life be without simple machines?

Do you mean technological development? Then the answer is no. All complex machines are made up of simple machines in various combinations. Without the one, you can't have the other. The world would go on, of course, but the technological complexities of its modern civilizations could not exist without simple machines.

Why is a ladder an inclined plane?

It usually form an angle of 90 on resting on any vertical surface