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The other two produce power

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Q: Which one does not belong generator switch or battery?
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Related questions

How do you make a diagram of a battery and a bell?

Use the symbols for a battery, switch and bell and connect them together with a line starting at one side of the battery. From the battery series connect the switch and bell and then a line back to the battery.

Where would one use an automatic transfer switch?

An automatic transfer switch would be used when one needs to switch energy from one source to another and cannot do it manually. It can be used to switch from electric to a generator when needed.

Where can one purchase a battery switch?

You can purchase a battery switch online from stores such as West Marine. Alternatively, you can also purchase these items from retailers such as Amazon and JCWhitney.

What exactly is an expandable battery on a Camcorder and will it extend battery life?

An expandable battery is if you would like to switch out the existing battery with a longer-lasting one. It will extend battery life.

Are car batteries large enough to recharge?

Since one purpose of the alternator/generator is to keep the battery charged, yes.

How do you change backup light switch on a BMW?

Backup light switches are different between automatic and manual transmission bmws. If you have the automatic the switch is under the shifter. Disconnect the battery and remove the shifter boot. Unplug the switch wires and replace the switch and reconnect the wires and battery. If you have a manual transmission the switch is on the passenger side of the transmission above the Allen type filler plug. Disconnect the battery, unplug the wires and unscrew the switch with a 19mm wrench. Screw in the new one an torque it down then reconnect the wires and the battery.

What would be the uses for a transfer switch?

A transfer switch is used to transfer electricity or power from one source to another. It is often used with a generator when power is lost and needs to be quickly restored.

What part of an electrical cicuit produces the electric current?

The power source, typically a battery or generator, produces the electric current in an electrical circuit. The flow of electrons from the source through the circuit forms the electric current.

How do you switch poles in electromagnetic field?

You get a battery, switch, nail and copper wire. You connect one end of the battery to the switch and the other end to the nail that is wrapped with some copper wire. The end of the switch that isn't connected you connect to the electromagnet.

How does a battery disconnect work?

A "battery disconnect" is nothing more than a special SWITCH designed and manufactured to be able to carry very large [heavy] electrical current. The one with which I'm familiar mounts on the positive battery terminal after the cable has been removed, and then the cable connector is attached to the output terminal of the disconnect switch. This switch allows one to totally and completely "kill" the battery voltage to the auto circuits, without having to use a wrench to loosen a battery terminal clamp and manually "wrestle" it from the terminal.

Why does your battery keep going flat in your corsa?

There are two common reasons for this. The first is that your generator(alternator) is not charging properly. The second is that your battery is going bad and not holding charge. If it is driving okay once it is jump started then your generator is probabably good and the battery needs to be replaced. I am betting the battery is going bad bc of a bad cell in it. Replace it and I bet it will be fine. A battery can fail with no warning whatsoever. It is more common that one might think. Hope this helps. Good luck.

How does a torch work-circuit'?

A torch is simply a circuit containing a battery, a bulb and a switch. The three components are connected in series (one after the other) to form a loop. The switch simply completes the circuit so that power flows from the battery to the bulb.