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Q: Which language was specifically developed for business purpose?
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Why Customers prefer to develop their applications using Java or Dot net frame work?

Because that's the whole purpose of a programming language, the reason why they were developed - to make software.Because that's the whole purpose of a programming language, the reason why they were developed - to make software.Because that's the whole purpose of a programming language, the reason why they were developed - to make software.Because that's the whole purpose of a programming language, the reason why they were developed - to make software.

What is COBOL grid?

COBOL stands for Common Business Oriented Language. It is the programming language used on computers for the purpose of business.

What kind of language is C programming?

C is a general purpose, procedure oriented (procedural) programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972.

Processing is a programming language that was developed for what purpose?

The purpose of processing is to teach the basics of programming in a visual manner. It is also used as a "virtual sketchbook" of sorts.

Why java language is developed?

The main purpose in developing the Java language - or at least, one important purpose - was to be able to develop programs that could run on different platforms (without recompiling, as in the case of C).

Who has developed C?

C is a general-purpose computer programming language developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories for use with the Unix Operating System.

What is the significance of programming languages to a business?

Programming languages play a vital role in business application. COBOL language, for example, is basically designed for business purpose application.

Why is BASIC considered to be a user friendly language?

It's English-like syntax is much easier to learn than many other languages.

Business Communication?

The use of effective language for conveying a commercial or industrial message to achieve a predetermined purpose

What is cobol and c language?

Common Business Oriented Language/ COBOL is widely used programming language by businesses. While C is a general purpose programming invented by Dennis Ritchie.

What is the purpose of a Hebrew?

Hebrew is an ancient term for modern Jews. Today, Hebrew refers specifically to the language, not a people. If you are asking the purpose of Hebrew, that is the historical language of Jews and is used as a form of communication. If the question is the purpose of Jews, according to the Tanach, Jews are meant to provide an example of how to live righteously.

Who developed QBASIC programming language?

The 2 professors who developed QBACIS were Jhon G.Kemeny and Thomas E.Kurtz.