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Efficiency is typically associated with minimizing losses in a circuit. If you have no load you couldn't compute efficiency. If there is a load you need to determine what you are trying to measure. For example, in an incandescent light bulb a lot of power is wasted in heat. So if light is what you are looking for an incandescent bulb isn't very efficient. A compact fluorescent would be more efficient. However, if you were using a light bulb to power an "Easy Bake" oven it would be more efficient.

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Q: Which is more efficient loaded or unloaded circuits?
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What is the comparative and superlative of effcient?

more efficient, most efficient

Which cicuits light the bulb better-Bulbs light better in which kind of circuits?

If you are comparing parallel vs series circuits, light bulbs produce more light in parallel circuits.

What is one way that parallels circuits are more useful than series circuits?

Loads receive current independently of each other.

What is small scale intregrated circuits?

small scale integrated circuits contain about 10 transistorsmedium scale integrated circuits contain about 100 transistorslarge scale integrated circuits contain about 1000 transistorsvery large scale integrated circuits contain about 10,000 transistorsultra large scale integrated circuits contain about 100,000 transistorsetc.modern digital integrated circuits contain about 100,000,000,000 transistors and sometimes much more

who is more efficient dc motor or ac motor and why?

DC motors are generally more efficient than AC motors. DC motors have a lower amount of inertial associated with them, making them more efficient to run.

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Why is it more difficult to stop a fully loaded truck than a unloaded one?

because it is affected by gravity

Which is faster to stop an empty truck or loaded truck?

Depends on the vehicle and braking system. In a commercial vehicle, the brakes are designed specifically for stopping a loaded vehicle, and an unloaded truck can actually require more stopping distance than a loaded truck.

What are the advantages of the semi-trailer?

The main advantage of a semi trailer is it can park to a dock and get loaded or unloaded without leaving the tractor with it.A driver can drop one trailer and hook up to another not having to wait.A trailer can be parked and loaded or unloaded at the shippers or receivers convenience. Also you can haul more weight with more axles and still maneuver around corners.

What rhymes with exploded?

Eroded, decoded, unloaded, loaded, outmoded, overloaded, demoted, and many more! Hope I helped and have a fantastic day! :)

Why it is more difficult to stop a fully loaded truck than an unloaded one?

A fully loaded truck has more mass, which means it has more momentum and requires more force to stop it. Additionally, the extra weight increases the truck's inertia, making it harder to change its speed or direction quickly. This is why it takes more time and distance to bring a fully loaded truck to a stop compared to an unloaded one.

What is the definition of unloaded in Oregon gun laws?

In Oregon, the term "unloaded" generally refers to a firearm that does not have a round in the chamber and does not have a loaded magazine inserted. However, there may be specific restrictions or interpretations depending on the context and the specific Oregon gun law being referenced. It is important to consult the relevant statutes or seek legal advice for a comprehensive understanding of the term as per Oregon gun laws.

What are Tennessee laws on carrying a handgun in a car?

Yes. To be legal, it must be unloaded and inacessible. If you don't have a carry permit, the best place to store it is in the trunk, or if you don't have a trunk, as far to the rear of the car (away from anyone in the car) as you can put it. If you have a carry permit from any state in the U.S. you can carry it loaded and accessible. Tennessee recognizes permits from any state.

What is the formula the breakers in panel?

There is no formula used to fill a distribution panel. The panel is loaded according to the circuits that are to be connected to it. After you have determining what breakers are needed always buy a distribution panel that has more slots than you need. The extra cost of buying a panel with more slots in it will pay for itself in the future if additional circuits need to be added.

An unloaded ship is filled with sand at the bottom?

It is dangerous for a ship to be too lightly loaded because then it floats with less volume inside water. As a result,its centre of gravity is higher and it may get blown over on its side by strong winds.Therefore, an unloaded ship is filled with sand or stones,called ballast,at its bottom.This lowers its centre of gravity so that the equilibrium of ship becomes more stable.

Why modern devices use integrated circuit instead of vacuum tubes?

Modern devices use integrated circuits instead of vacuum tubes because integrated circuits occupy less space than vacuum tubes, are more efficient, consumes less energy and are more reliable than vacuum tubes.

Is bus rental an efficient and cost effective mode of transporting a group of people?

A bus can be loaded with more than 20 people, so it is very good for transporting people.

What is the comparative for efficient?

More efficient and most efficient are the comparative and superlative forms of "efficient".