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sleep(time in seconds)

(Note: your computer won't actually sleep, only wait, if that's okay with you.)

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Q: Which function is used for sleep in c language?
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You can use the pow() function in math.h.

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The c language does not have template functions. That is a c++ thing.

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Printf function is used in c language. Printf is used to print something to the standard output. ex: printf ('welcome');

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Math-It is a Predifined function in c,which is used for all the symbols,formules and other things of maths,this function is also useful when we created any animated prog. with the help of c.

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I guess you meant the following:'In C language, when you call a function,the parameters are passed by-value.'

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Structural language is a language in which a particular structure is defined. It is used to make execution and understanding easier. Ex : COBOL Structural language does not have function calls. Procedural language is a language in which function calls are allowed. Ex : C In this a particular procedure is followed every time. IMB.

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