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It depends on the maximum value of c. In signed values, the maximum value we can store in an integral is 2 to the power of the number of bits in the integral, minus 1. Thus a 32-bit signed integral can accommodate all positive values in the range 2^31, which is 2,147,483,648.

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Q: Which can have integral values between c and -c including zero?
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What value is assigned to extern variable?

Default initial value of extern integral type variable is zero otherwise null.

Why is dual supply used for op-amp?

Dual supply arrangement allows for the output voltage to swing both above and below zero volts, and also gives an output of 0V when there is no voltage difference between the two inputs. An op amp can only amplify a signal to its values in the supplied range. If you want to amplify a signal with negative values then you need a negative supply.

What is the different of analog mul-titester to digital mul-titester?

The difference between the analog mul-titester and a digital mul-titester is that an analoq mul-titester varies in continues scale while the digital mul-titester has discrete values that is zero (0) and one (1).

Why null values in database?

The 'null'-content of any given field is just that. It's a 'nothing'. Example, if you create a database to hold chemical values for instance. If the values are, for example, real nubers. That would imply that any value that has 0 in it, is just that; zero. It was beeing measured, and found to contain zero. On the other hand if a value was not tested, the value of that compound should be set to 'null'. If a 'null' value isn't supported by the database a workaround is to set 'null' values to -1 (as per the example above). --

What happens if the relative speed between the rotating flux of stator and rotor of the induction motor is zero?

if the relative speed of magnetic flux of stator and rotor becomes zero there will be no back emf and eventually the rotor gets zero speed

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The definite integral of any function identically equal to zero between any two points is zero. Integral is the area under the graph of the given function. Sometimes the terms "integral" or "indefinite integral" are used to refer to the general antiderivative of a function, especially in many textbooks. In this case, the indefinite integral is equal to an arbitrary constant, and it is important to distinguish between these two cases.

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the cyclic integral of this is zero

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An integral number is an integer. A whole number positive, negative or zero.

How do you integrate periodic functions?

Same as any other function - but in the case of a definite integral, you can take advantage of the periodicity. For example, assuming that a certain function has a period of pi, and the value of the definite integral from zero to pi is 2, then the integral from zero to 2 x pi is 4.

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The integral zeros of a function are integers for which the value of the function is zero, or where the graph of the function crosses the horizontal axis.

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For the integral to equal 2012, we need the derivative of 2012. Because this is zero, we could assume that there are no values that would give you 2012. However, if you integrate 0, you get a constant, and therefore, because we can choose this constant to be whatever we require, the integral of 0 could possibly equal 2012. However, if you are (more likely) required to find the integral of 2012, its 2012x, or the derivative of 2012 is as mentioned earlier, 0

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