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im not sure that is why i asked you

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Q: Which button is used to demote items in an outline numbered list?
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What is the difference between a numbered list and an outline numbered list in a Microsoft word document?

Bullets display a small icon (such as•), suggesting that the order of the items presented are arbitrary, while a numbered list suggests that the order is important either from a chronological view point (such as instructions) or as a matter of priority (where "1" is typically the most important item).

What is a bullet list outline?

A bullet list should have at least 2 items under each section. A bulleted list can have many bullets under each item, just as in an outline. Each item in a bulleted list should be indented.A numbered bullet format would appear like this:item oneitem twoAn unordered (not numbered) bulleted list would look like this:item oneitem two

What is the difference between numbered text and outline numbered text in terms of their use in an existing word processing document?

A numbered list has only one level. An outline list has multiple nested levels to support outlining.

How do enumerated items appear?

Probably in a numbered list.

What does one mean by even numbered?

If you have a set of items that are associated with one and only one number (eg pages of a book, players on a soccer team), the even numbered items are those which have an even number associated with them.

Can you drop all the items in runescape with one button?

Nope, you can only place items in your bank using one button.

How do you store items in castleville?

Items can be stored in the storage cellar by clicking on the design mode button and then to the left of that button clicking on the storage cellar button and then selecting what you wish to store away.

When an outline is coordinated items with equal importance?

use the same type of letter or numeral

When and outline is coordinated items with equal importance is what?

use the same type of letter or numeral

What is sentence subordination?

First, its sentence with an "e" not an a, and it means the ranking and indenting items in an outline

Coordination in an outline means that?

items with equal importance have the same numeral or letter.

What best describes coordination outline?

Items of equal importance have the same formatting. -Apex @Dank_Serg