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Q: Where is the data representing the internal state of a Java object held?
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What is use of serialization in java?

Serialization will turn a Java Object into a text string (representing it's contents) which can be persisted to a storage device or sent over a network. There is an opposite process of turning the text string representation back into an instanciated Object.

What is the state of an object in java?

Each Java object has varaibles - which in this case are called fields. They store information about the object. For example, a class to store a date might have "fields" to store the day, the month and the year. The values stored in these fields are collectively called the object's "state".

What is a java object?

A java object is a collection of methods and properties defined in the Java programming language.

What term in java is used to indicate that a class's internal state is hidden from its clients?

Encapsulation............Hiding the data from others

What language is completely object oriented c plus plus or java?

Java is the complete object oriented Programming Language as every thing in java is an object,

What are impure functions in Java?

Pure functions are those which do not modify the state of an object. Most often these are functions which take arguments and return a result.

Can you initialize an object without constructor in java?

No. if you wish to create an object that you plan on using in a java program then the answer is NO. You cannot initialize an object of a Java class without calling the constructor.

Why java is certifiction?

java is a object oriented langage,that is indepentant platform. java is full object oriented language. java is access any operating java is good certification of program in runtime environment.

Did java oriented language works on object?

Java is an object oriented language, and it works with classes and objects.

Is there class name as object in java?

Yes, the base class for all other Java classes is Object.

Why do you require a object in java but not in C?

Because Java is an object-oriented language and C is a procedural language.

What is the Object class parent?

Object is the topmost class in the Java Class hierarchy. There is no Class above Object. All classes in Java are implicitly derived from Object.