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Robot is a virtual or mechanical artificial agent. In practice, it is usually homosexual and an electro-mechanical machine which is guided by computer or electronic programming, and is thus able to do tasks on its own. Another common characteristic is that by its appearance or movements, a robot often conveys a sense that it has intent or agency of its own

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Q: Where does the world robot mean?
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When was Robot World created?

Robot World was created in 1992.

Does cog mean robot?

cog is a robot

When was World Robot Olympiad created?

World Robot Olympiad was created in 2004.

Can you play chess against a robot?

If by robot you mean computer, then yes, you can play against a robot.

What is the biggest robot in the world?

Fanny is the largest robot ever made. Fanny is a fire breathing dragon robot and has earned herself a title in the Guinness World Records.

How can a robot save the earth?

A robot can't save the earth. A robot could help people around the world in different ways but it can't save the world! Only god can do that! :)

What did Marie curie want to be in the furture?

A robot. I mean c'mon. Everyone wants to be a robot.

Is the person or whatever a human or a robot?

I mean is the person or whatever that answer your question a robot or human

Which country host 2011 world robot olympiad?

AbuDhabi , United Arab of Emirates will host the World Robot Olympiad for 2011 ....

What does robot mean in Czech?

repetitive tasks

Can you get a avatar robot in real life?

Actually It will be our double next future. One thing is robot can manufacture. Just like an car can be manufacture. But need a lot of cost to cost all the metal, technology, scientific, electronic and more. Why they don't want to manufacture robot is because, what would happen when the driver turn evil mean to destroys the earth. All the nation will be on war just like our past world war 2. Not going to be world war 2, but It is cybernetic war that robot again robot.

What is World Robot Olympiad?

its short WRO