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When checking continuity in a series circuit, you put your leads in series with the circuit or device being checked. You also make sure the circuit is deenergized and that it is open.

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Q: Where do you put your leads when checking continuity on a series circuit?
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When you measure voltage with a voltmeter you must break open the circuit and connect the meters test leads in series with the other circuit components?

Sounds more like you're trying to measure resistance...

What type of curcuit measurement is made by placing a meters test leads in parallel with a deenergized component?

Continuity, resistance?

What is it mean to say that an alternating current leads or lags an alternating emf?

It is another way of saying that the circuit is capacitive reactive circuit. Look up the mnemonic ELI the ICE man. ELI, voltage leads the current in an inductive circuit. ICE, current leads the voltage in a capacitive circuit.

What is a capacitive reactive circuit?

A circuit that has only a capacitor in it. Or the net reactance is below zero, making it capacitive. The current leads the voltage in a negative (capacitive) reactive circuit.

Why the voltage drop across inductance and voltage drop across capacitance is greater than source voltage in series resonance circuit?

The reason for the total voltage drops across the capacitance and inductance IN AN AC CIRCUIT has to do with the different phase angles of the voltages.First, current is the same value and same phase angle everywhere in a series circuit. But, voltage across a capacitor lags current by 90 degrees (capacitor current leads voltage). Next, voltage across a pure inductance leads current by 90 degrees (inductor current lags voltage).The rule that all voltages in a series circuit have to add to the supply voltage still applies, but in this case, the voltage drops are added VECTORALLY, not arithmetically. If you were to graph this addition, you would show any resistance voltage in phase with the current, the capacitor voltage at -90 degrees to the current and the inductor voltage at +90 degrees to the current, for a phase difference between them of 180 degrees, cancelling each other out.In a series resonant circuit, the impedances of the capacitor and inductor cancel each other. The only impedance to the flow of current is any resistance in the circuit. Since real-life inductors always have some resistance, at least there is always some resistance in a series resonant circuit.

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In a series RLC circuit at frequencies above resonance is the circuit capacitive or inductive?

in series you XL, voltage leads the current, and in Parallel current leads the voltage. so your answer should reflect on this theory.

Is the beeping sound good or bad when testing continuity on a multimeter?

On most meters, it's a good thing. That means that there is a complete circuit between the leads.

What causes an increase of resistance in a series circuit?

An increase in resistance in a series circuit can be caused by adding resistors in series, increasing the length or cross-sectional area of the wire, or using a material with higher resistivity. This leads to a higher total resistance in the circuit, which can reduce the current flowing through it.

How do you check a broken electrical connection on a battery cable?

Set a multimeter to continuity. Put the leads of the meter at either end of the wire you are checking. The lower the value the better. It should read well under 100 for a battery cable.

What is a series configuration in electronics?

A series circuit is one in which components are placed one after the other, rather than side by side as in parallel circuits. In series, the output of the component leads directly to the input of the next one.

When you measure voltage with a voltmeter you must break open the circuit and connect the meters test leads in series with the other circuit components?

Sounds more like you're trying to measure resistance...

How do you check for continuity with a volt meter?

1. Turn off all power to the circuit you want to test. If the circuit has a built-in power storage device, like a capacitor, discharge the electricity from the circuit before testing. 2. Plug the black lead into the common terminal (marked "CDM") on the voltmeter. Plug the red lead into Volts/Ohms terminal (marked with a "V" or a "V" and the Greek letter omega, the symbol for "ohms") on the meter. 3. Turn the voltmeter on. The meter will automatically select a range, or you can manually select Volts AC, Volts DC, Amps AC or Amps DC. 4. Touch the black lead to one end of the circuit you are testing. Touch the red lead to the other end of the circuit. If the voltmeter shows less than 210 ohms of resistance, continuity exists. 5. If the resistance is higher than 210 ohms, you can move the leads to isolate the break in continuity, until you come to a point where the resistance is less than 210 ohms, indicating continuity in the circuit between the red and black leads.

Does the current lead or lag the voltage in a series A C circuit containing a large value of capacitance?

ICE current leads the voltage by 90 degrees.

How do make a series circuit?

The components are not connected directly across the power supply. Instead they are 'daisy chained', the output of one leads into the input of the next.

A circuit with a lagging current means the circuit is?

Inductive. Voltage (E) leads current (I) in an inductive (L) circuit and current (I) leads voltage (E) in a capacitive (C) circuit. (ELI the ICEman)

Why does resistance increase in a series circuit?

In a series circuit, the total resistance increases because the individual resistances add up. As the current flows through each component in succession, the resistance offered by each component adds to the total resistance. This leads to an overall increase in resistance in a series circuit.

What type of circuit measurement is made by placing a meters test leads in a parrallel with a deenergized component?

To measure resistance, continuity, or diode voltage drop in a de-energized component, the meter's test leads are placed in parallel with the component. This allows the meter to measure the electrical properties of the component without applying power to it.