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One can find more information on this topic at the library, in books, novels, the internet, the store, newspapers, the internet, and life lessons when traveling.

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Q: Where can one find more information about nanotechnology applications?
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What are the applications of nanotechnology?

Pretty much anything you can think of. It has application in so may fields, including medicine, technology, computers, weapons, etc. One of the most promising things about it at least in the near future is carbon nanotubes. Using nanotech, they can create a material out of these nanotubes that is 100 times stronger than steal and 10 times lighter. In terms of applications, creating nanorobots that can be injected into your bloodstream that seek out cancer cells individually and destroy them, or that carry 10 times more oxygen than your regular red blood cells and therefore allow you to hold your breath for 4 hours... etc.Honestly, you would do better to just search nanotechnology on and find out all the applications. What's the point in posting a question on when all the info is already on nanotechnology4.)Vitality uses of nanotechnology5.)Mechanical utilizations of nanotechnology

Where can one find more information about induction motors?

Someone that is looking to find information about induction motors can do so at the HappyWoodWorking website. There one can find a variety of information such as wiring a power switch, changing voltage or rotation and much more.

Where can I find more information on visual studio 2010 ?

Visit to find out more information about Visual Studio. This site will tell you if this is the correct piece of software for you.

Where can one find more information on embedded system design?

There are many places where one may find out more about embedded system design. Once can look at Wikipedia for a simple definition, and then read blogs or as in forums for further information.

What is nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology is the technology of building devices, such as electronic circuits, from single atoms and molecules. Nano means "small", of the order 10-9m, so nanotechnology is (among other things) generally a conversation about new science that creates machines the size of molecules.a technology executed on the scale of less than 100 nanometers, the goal of which is to control individual atoms and molecules, especially to create computer chips and other microscopic devices.Nanotechnology is a term for devices and chemicals engineered at the nanometer scale. Broadly, it encompasses two separate ideas:"Molecular nanotechnology" is the assembly of structures to complex, atomic specifications by means of mechanosynthesis."Nanoscale materials" encompasses any manipulation of matter at lengths from 1 to 100 nm, but often includes things on the micrometer scale.Nanotechnology refers to the smallest scale of the engineering, not necessarily the size of the finished product.Nanotechnology (sometimes shortened to "nanotech") is the manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. The earliest, widespread description of nanotechnology[1][2] referred to the particular technological goal of precisely manipulating atoms and molecules for fabrication of macroscale products, also now referred to as molecular nanotechnology. A more generalized description of nanotechnology was subsequently established by the National Nanotechnology Initiative, which defines nanotechnology as the manipulation of matter with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers. This definition reflects the fact that quantum mechanical effects are important at this quantum-realm scale, and so the definition shifted from a particular technological goal to a research category inclusive of all types of research and technologies that deal with the special properties of matter that occur below the given size threshold. It is therefore common to see the plural form "nanotechnologies" as well as "nanoscale technologies" to refer to the broad range of research and applications whose common trait is size. Because of the variety of potential applications (including industrial and military), governments have invested billions of dollars in nanotechnology research.(ref:wikipedia)nano refers to something that is of the order 10-9. A nano-meter is therefore a very small unit of length. Nano technology refers to very small machines, small enough to work at a cellular or even molecular level. Check out the SF story Blood Music by Greg Bear.Nanotechnology is the the branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometers, esp. the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules. (The definition from my dictionary) In my words, Technologies that deal with how things behave when they are very small. VERY small. A nanometer (nm) is one BILLIONTH of a meter. Wow! One strand of hair is about 100,000 nm. For more information, vist I hope this is what you were looking for!

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