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Q: When were filters invented?
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When were coffee filters invented?

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When were Internet filters invented?

Internet filters were invented shortly after the invention of the World Wide Web in 1991. Filters are used to censure what a viewer can see on the internet.

Who invented filters for camera lens?

Jean Coquin, a French innovators who came up with the Cokin filters

When were filters added to cigarettes?

According to Wikipedia they were invented in 1925.

What is the purpose of Cokin filters?

Cokin filters are used for photography and is one of the original square filters. Invented by Jean Coquin, a French photographer, he wanted everyone to have the chance to produce great creative images.

Who invented the oxygen concentrator?

The oxygen concentrator was invented by Thomas Longobardo in the 1970s. This device filters and concentrates oxygen from the surrounding air to provide a higher concentration of oxygen for patients with respiratory conditions.

Why are water filters so important to America and what was life Before it was invented and what did people do when the water was not filtered?

If it wasn't for filters the water would be filled with unwanted garbage. Before filters they had wells which was usually had pretty clean water, if not that then lakes or streams that the water would had of been boiled unless you want parasites that is.

What are some examples of filters?

Coffee filters Air Filters in cars Water filters

How does the power plant keep airborne contaminants from leaving the power plant?

HEPA filters were invented by the nuclear industry to stop the escape of aerosols of radioisotopes.

What are color filters?

color filters are filters which show u a color.

What products does Wix Filters offer?

Wix Filters offers products such as Oil Filters, Air Filters, Fuel Filters and pretty much any type of filters you can think of. You can purchase products from Wix Filters from their store. There is a store locator on the official website.

What types of jacuzzi filter cartridges are there?

There are three types of filters - Diatomaceous Earth Filters, Sand Filters, and Cartridge Filters.