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under your uncle's earlobe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wow fail

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Q: When was the trashcan invented?
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How do you say trashcan in french?

You say "trashcan" in French as "poubelle."

How do you get the R2 trashcan on Moshi Monsters?

You type in the code GINGERSNAP11 when you log in.R2 Trashcan: gingersnap11

How do you get in to gregs school on the Wimpy Wonderland?

on the side of his school u will see a trashcan. u have to push the trashcan onto the seesaw which is on the other side of the school. u have to put yourself on the other side of the seesaw and jump on it. if u jump on it hard the trashcan will go on the school then you go on the school and push the trashcan under the window then jump on the trashcan and jump onto the windowsill and press enter

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What is trashcan in French?


Is the window the way to get in the school on Wimpy Wonderland?

Yes. Push the trashcan over to the seesaw and jump on the other side the seesaw. The trashcan should go up on the roof. Then push the trashcan over to the window and jump on it to the window.

How do you go inside the school once you launch the trashcan on poptropica wimpy wonder land?

Once you launch the trashcan onto the roof of the school building, jump onto the roof as well. While on the roof slide the trashcan underneath the window that Manny jumped into. After, jump onto the trashcan then enter the school via the window.

What do you do with the trashcan in winter wonderland?


Is trashcan island on poptropica real?

No. It is not.