

When the process of curing the concrete absorb water?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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Water chemically reacts with the cement to form a new compound. The resulting concrete gradually reaches full strength over 28 days, but most of the strength comes in the first 3 days, so that is when most of the water is used and needed.

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Q: When the process of curing the concrete absorb water?
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What is the purpose of adding a curing compound to the concrete?

Curing is necessary for freshly cast concrete in order to maintain the moisture as the chemical constituents in cement react with water and heat evolves continuously until the setting process completes. The heat evolved during the setting of concrete is called heat of hydration, and this heat causes the water to evaporate. Proper and complete setting process is the most important phenomenon that imparts the desired strength to the concrete. If the freshly cast concrete is not cured, it develops cracks and also the chemical reactions will cease resulting in bad concrete.

At what temperature for a concrete curing is absolutely necessary?

It should be above 40F. Concrete goes through a chemical reaction called hydration, below 40F this process almost stops. Putting concrete blankets over the concrete can allow pours in much lower temperatures. The 40F represents the concrete temperature, while curing it produces heat so the air temperature can be cooler than 40F. Concrete can be poured below freezing but it needs to be protected with concrete blankets to hold in its heat. If the water in the concrete freezes before it is cured than it will definitely fail.

What is the effect of hydration on strength of a concrete?

Excess water (over hydration) causes weak concrete. The water in concrete is there to start a chemical process which results in the hardening process. The excess water is not used in the chemical process and results in a weakened concrete.

The difference between setting and hardening in cement?

SettingSetting begins to occur after the concrete is mixed and even before pouring. The cement in the concrete begins to stiffen after mixed with water. The concrete is beginning to change from liquid form to solid form. During the setting process, the concrete does gain strength, which is the beginning of the hardening process. When the water ingredient is added to the concrete mix, the concrete is still pliable and flexible, sort of a paste. There is two stages of setting: initial and final setting. Initial setting is when the concrete loses it flexibility and begins to harden. Final setting is when the concrete can sustain some load, but still has some moisture within the mixture.HardeningHardening of the concrete is the stage when the mixture gains strength. The cement ingredient begins to attach itself to the aggregate as the water dries off the mixture. The hydration of water is what starts the hardening process. It generally takes five to seven days for the concrete to complete the hardening process. The easiest way to increase the strength of concrete is to add cement to the mixture. The more water used in the mixture, the weaker the concrete and it will also delay the hardening process. Once the concrete has hydrated all the water from the mixture, the hardening process is complete and the concrete is as strong as it will get.

What to use for curing concrete?

yes there is's called hydo cement...even cures UNDER have to be fast heats up and you have only a few mins. to work with even stops moving water.

Related questions

What is curing of concrete?

The curing of concrete is a reaction between the type of cement in the concrete and the water. This reaction between cement and water is known as hydration. When the concrete sets and gains strength through this process it is known as curing. Test cylinders of concrete for construction projects are placed in a curing room where they are continuous misted with water at 23 +-2 degrees Celsius for 7 and 28 days before testing. This provides adequate curing.

What is cured concrete?

The curing of concrete is a reaction between the type of cement in the concrete and the water. This reaction between cement and water is known as hydration. When the concrete sets and gains strength through this process it is known as curing. Test cylinders of concrete for construction projects are placed in a curing room where they are continuous misted with water at 23 +-2 degrees Celsius for 7 and 28 days before testing. This provides adequate curing.

What is the purpose of adding a curing compound to the concrete?

Curing is necessary for freshly cast concrete in order to maintain the moisture as the chemical constituents in cement react with water and heat evolves continuously until the setting process completes. The heat evolved during the setting of concrete is called heat of hydration, and this heat causes the water to evaporate. Proper and complete setting process is the most important phenomenon that imparts the desired strength to the concrete. If the freshly cast concrete is not cured, it develops cracks and also the chemical reactions will cease resulting in bad concrete.

How many hours to start concrete curing after casting of concrete?

It starts curing the second they put water in it.

Why and how would you extend the curing process of the concrete?

Placing plastic sheeting (known as visquene in construction trades) over drying concrete extends the curing process of concrete. The idea is to slow the evaporation of moisture from the drying concrete. The slower concrete curing process, the stronger the concrete becomes. On construction jobs I have been party to, the curing concrete is usually covered for two or three days.If the curing concrete's surface were to get dry, there may not be enough water for the chemical reaction which forms concrete, and so the surface would not be as strong. Wetting isn't about "extending" but rather allowing the curing to make a hard surface. The full curing takes as long as a month to reach full strength, but most of the reaction happens in three days.If you actually want it slower, then cooling would work, as with any chemical reaction. Also disrupting the water-cement reaction would work, which would unfortunately make the concrete weaker. For example, adding sugar or anything that ties up the water would slow the reaction but harm the strength of the result.

How many days should we water rcc slab and columns?

That would depend on the kind of concrete. Normally longer is better. The slower the curing process the stronger the concrete.

Why shirinkage in concerete?

Shrinkage in concrete occurs due to the loss of moisture during the curing process. As the water evaporates, the concrete material contracts and reduces in volume. This shrinkage can lead to cracks forming in the concrete if not properly controlled. Factors such as mix design, curing methods, and environmental conditions can influence the extent of shrinkage in concrete.

What is the process of concrete harding called after the initial setting process is over?

The process that occurs after initial set is commonly referred to as Curing! What actually happens is "Hydration" , which is the reaction that takes place within the concrete matrix between the chemicals and the water in the mix. Very important that mix water be retained inside for complete hydration to take place. Of late, engineers an design professionals are placing much more emphasis on "Internal Curing" than ever before!

Does colored concrete dry lighter or darker?

Colored concrete typically dries lighter than it appears when first mixed because the water used in the mixing process evaporates, revealing the true color of the pigment. Additionally, factors such as the curing process and exposure to sunlight can also affect the final color of the concrete.

Why you add the water in the curing time is this water can used in the hydration or only for keep the water inside the concrete to not go outside?


How much time take to set the concrete?

Rockbottom period is 7 days once quality concreting is done and meticulous watering the concrete , otherwise normally 21 days is recokened as the period for curing the concrete( that is, setting the concrete) to take care of failure to adhere to correct processing of laying concrete and curing with water .

At what temperature for a concrete curing is absolutely necessary?

It should be above 40F. Concrete goes through a chemical reaction called hydration, below 40F this process almost stops. Putting concrete blankets over the concrete can allow pours in much lower temperatures. The 40F represents the concrete temperature, while curing it produces heat so the air temperature can be cooler than 40F. Concrete can be poured below freezing but it needs to be protected with concrete blankets to hold in its heat. If the water in the concrete freezes before it is cured than it will definitely fail.