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linear quene said to empty when front==rear==-1



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Q: When is linear queue said to be empty?
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How compiler differentiate between linear queue and circular queue?

It doesn't.

Circular queue in linear data structure?

The queue is a linear data structure where operations of insertion and deletion are performed at separate ends also known as front and rear. Queue is a FIFO structure that is first in first out. A circular queue is similar to the normal queue with the difference that queue is circular queue ; that is pointer rear can point to beginning of the queue when it reaches at the end of the queue. Advantage of this type of queue is that empty location let due to deletion of elements using front pointer can again be filled using rear pointer.

What is queue explain the basic element of queue?

The queue is a linear data structure where operations of insertion and deletion are performed at separate ends also known as front and rear. Queue is a FIFO structure that is first in first out. Following are the types of queue: Linear queue Circular queue Priority queue Double ended queue ( or deque )

What is the difference between linear and circular queue?

What is the difference between linear and circular queue? In: [Edit categories]The Queue by Default is Linear, it would be termed as Circular if the Last Element of the Queue pointsto the first element of the List

What is the limitation of linear queue and how do you overcome using circular queue?

in linear queue when any element is pop out than we do size-1 value changing ie like in the pile of coin when we take out the last coin then all changes there places so likewise we have to change the position of each element..... we can overcome by circular one as we have to change the value of the first and last not the values changes in the array.... but circular queue also had limitation that either u have to use it as size-1 queue or it will show you full even though it is empty first==last...

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What is linear queue?

What is linear queue

How compiler differentiate between linear queue and circular queue?

It doesn't.

Circular queue in linear data structure?

The queue is a linear data structure where operations of insertion and deletion are performed at separate ends also known as front and rear. Queue is a FIFO structure that is first in first out. A circular queue is similar to the normal queue with the difference that queue is circular queue ; that is pointer rear can point to beginning of the queue when it reaches at the end of the queue. Advantage of this type of queue is that empty location let due to deletion of elements using front pointer can again be filled using rear pointer.

What are types of Queue?

Queue is a data structure which is based on FIFO that is first in first out. Following are the types of queue: Linear queue Circular queue Priority queue Double ended queue ( or deque )

Difference between circular queue and linear queue?

In circular queue the memory of the deleted process can be used by some other new process..

What is queue explain the basic element of queue?

The queue is a linear data structure where operations of insertion and deletion are performed at separate ends also known as front and rear. Queue is a FIFO structure that is first in first out. Following are the types of queue: Linear queue Circular queue Priority queue Double ended queue ( or deque )

What is the difference between linear and circular queue?

What is the difference between linear and circular queue? In: [Edit categories]The Queue by Default is Linear, it would be termed as Circular if the Last Element of the Queue pointsto the first element of the List

What is the limitation of linear queue and how do you overcome using circular queue?

in linear queue when any element is pop out than we do size-1 value changing ie like in the pile of coin when we take out the last coin then all changes there places so likewise we have to change the position of each element..... we can overcome by circular one as we have to change the value of the first and last not the values changes in the array.... but circular queue also had limitation that either u have to use it as size-1 queue or it will show you full even though it is empty first==last...

Define is circular queue with example?

A circular queue uses the same conventions as that of linear queue. Using Front will always point one position counterclockwise from the first element in the queue.

Is queue a linear data structure?

Yes. A queue is a container to provide First-in-First-out operations on the items added and deleted from the container. These operations makes a queue being linear. And because the items inside this container do not interact with the container, they are just "data" to the container, hence a queue indeed is a LINEAR data structure. One would argue that a queue may have other ways to store queued elements in database, files, any external storage that are not linear (1 dimension). However, the bottom line is, to be a queue, it must guarantee First-in, First out, and a "ticket" is attached to each items, and those tickets are in sequential order, and hence it is a linear list or collection.

Difference between circular queue and De queue?

The queue is a linear data structure where operations of insertion and deletion are performed at separate ends also known as front and rear. Queue is a FIFO structure that is first in first out. A circular queue is similar to the normal queue with the difference that queue is circular queue ; that is pointer rear can point to beginning of the queue when it reaches at the end of the queue. Advantage of this type of queue is that empty location let due to deletion of elements using front pointer can again be filled using rear pointer. A double ended queue (or deque ) is a queue where insertion and deletion can be performed at both end that is front pointer can be used for insertion (apart from its usual operation i.e. deletion) and rear pointer can be used for deletion (apart from its usual operation i.e. insertion)

What does it means in computer algorithm while empty Q Q1 where Q is queue and Q1 is element of queue?

That doesn't make much sense. I guess it should be while NOT empty Q. Note that in many programming languages, the "not" is expressed with the exclamation mark. Perhaps you overlooked it... or it disappeared from the question. In that case (not empty), the meaning would be something like: while there is something in the queue (i.e., while not empty queue), process the elements in the queue (do something with the element). The statement is incomplete; instead of just "q1" it should say something like "process q1" or "q1.process()".