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Q: When given a list of items to remember people tend to do better at recalling the first items on the list than the middle of the list. This is known as the?
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What is the phenomenon that allows most people to remember items from the beginning and end of a list better than the words in the middle?


When do people remember things better?

People probably remember things better when they have actually been involved in it.

When given a list of items to remember people tend to do better at recalling the last item on the list this is known as what?

This phenomenon is known as the recency effect. It occurs because the last item on the list is still in the short-term memory when it comes time to recall the items.

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Which school is better Sawgrass Middle School or Nova Middle School?

Nova middle is WAY better. It is safe and only smart people can get in or if u have a sibling in there already but my main point is that Nova middle is the best!

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Do people remember things better in color or in black and white?

People tend to remember things better in color because it adds more visual detail and realism to the memory. Colorful images are often more vivid and engaging, which can lead to stronger and more accurate recollection compared to black and white images.

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Churchill. The people there are wonderful and you get a better education

What were some reasons people were moving west in the middle colonies?

to have a better life

Will you have a girlfriend in middle school?

Some people will and some people won't. Just remember if you seem to like a girl think about it before you go out with her.

Was the past better?

No, the past is not better or worse. Ofenly people remember more the good/better experiences of the past and repress the bad experience. This makes it seems that the past is better.

What are the words to describe the middle class?

people of the middle class (in the UK at least) have houses big enough to hold at least 4 family members usually, the farther usually works as a dentist or a lawyer or equally highly payed job and brings home the income for the whole family. It is important to remember that although middle class people have a better deal than lower class people, they don't have as good a deal as upper class people, so most middle class people are in between whatever you may think of the lower class and aristocratic pompous self employed bastards of the upper class. Baring this in mind I'd most likely label the middle class as; well off fine tuned almost rich generously rewarded in the middle the model families the middle men and women people with a 'better start to life' average citizens