Primitive variables are variables that are not objects and carry primitive values like numbers, boolean etc. The primitive data types in java are:intbytefloatcharlongbooleanshortdouble
An array is a primitive data type. It is the element type that may or may not be primitive.
Primitive Plus was created on 2002-03-19.
String - is primitive data typestring - is user defined data type
The latter isn't primitive. Most likely it means 'non trivial', 'adaptive' or 'sophisticated'.
*How did the primitive man originate That is the correct grammar.
Noh theatre is a traditional Japanese theatrical form.
it originated from the primitive drawings of the cave men in the walls of their caves used to record their hunting adventures and for their religion
Traditional theater in the round is a round stage with no back stage. The actors are surrounded by the audience in all directions with no curtains like traditional stages in musicals or vaudeville. This type of theater is said to originate in Greek theater.
The term dozen means a grouping of 12 and comes from the French term douzaine. This grouping term is perceived to be one of the earliest primitive groupings.
Greek theater originated as festivals honoring the gods. In Athens, during the festivals, men would perform songs to welcome Dionysus. These songs and performances adapted into three styles; Tragedy, Comedy and Satire.
The comparative form of "primitive" is "more primitive."
Primitive is spelled the way you spelled it: primitive.
Living in a cave is primitive.
Yes, primitive is an adjective.
When there was many people who wanted to come and see/hear the stories that wear usually told around campfires.
Primitive variables are variables that are not objects and carry primitive values like numbers, boolean etc. The primitive data types in java are:intbytefloatcharlongbooleanshortdouble