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1878 by Anna Baldwin

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Q: What year was the milking machine invented?
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What did Anna Baldwin invent?

She invented the Milking Machine

What month and day was the milking machine invented?

1832 inventions

Who invented milking machine?

It is Rudolph diesel Eli foley

When was the first electric milking machine invented?

first milkng machine scotland

What was johns last name who invented milking machine in taranaki?

john egmont blake

Who invented the first milking machine?

Anna Baldwin, a New Jersey farm woman, in 1878.

How many different ways of milking a cow are there?

There are typically two common methods of milking a cow: hand milking and machine milking. Hand milking involves manually squeezing the milk out of the cow's udder, while machine milking uses a milking machine to automate the milking process.

Who is Anna Breadin?

anna breadin is an inventer. she also invented a milking machine in 1889. she invented the first school desk too. if you ever saw the movie

What is best in between hand milking and machine milking?

machine milking is by far because you can milk more faster and with less problems to and its more comfortable for the cow

Who was the first man that lived in Taranaki to invent the milking machine?

Who was one of the fist person to invent a milking machine

Who made the first milking machine in 1894?

In 1879, Anna Baldwin patented a milking machine that replaced hand milking - her milking machine was a vacuum device that connected to a hand pump. This is one of the earliest American patents, however, it was not a successful invention. Successful milking machines appeared around 1870.

What year was the first washing machine invented?

The first washing machine was invented in the year 1851. It was the drum washing machine and it was invented by James King.