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by placing the insects/animals in the sprayed grain....

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Q: What would you do to test whether resist reduce losses of stored grain?
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How do you preserve a spare power transformer?

Small electrical transformers typically are stored in a cool, dry environment to reduce insulation deterioration. Large transformers are typically stored in a similar way, however they are usually only stored for short periods are demand for large transformers is very high and power companies usually find uses for them rapidly.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of electrical transducer?

the signal can be converted into digital form and can be stored for further reference.display of the data is possible on a CRO.reading of analog data with the help of electrical transducers has less losses involved as compared to mechanical transducers.

What are stored in heap memory?

Objects are stored in heap.

Where does global variables stored in C?

It depends entirely on what platform you are using. In an embedded environment, for instance global/static variables go into different RAM memory segments depending on whether or not they are initialised. constants are often left in ROM automatic variables are normally placed of the stack of the currently running task but not always.

How do you do a username and password login program using C-language?

For a username, just get the username from the standard input using scanf and check whether this username matches with the username stored. If it doesn't match, then the username is wrong.For a password, get each character using getch(). Print a * for each character obtained. Now check this password with the stored password. If these don't match, then the password is wrong.

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Does resist reduce loss of stored grain?

the answer is yes coz yuor bum smells

Excess fat whether saturated or unsaturated is stored as in the body.?

It is stored as fat.

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To reduce the risk of fire.

What Excess fat whether saturated or unsaturated is stored as what?


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Akali metals reduce ethanol to ethanoxides- they react with ethanol.

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It would displace oxygen and reduce the corrosion of the tanks.

What is the benefit of pumping nitrogen gas seawater that is stored in steel tanks?

It would displace oxygen and reduce the corrosion of the tanks.

Can data be stored and received on a floppy disk?

Data can be stored on a floppy disk, since that is what they are designed for. As for whether it can be "received" on one, that is a pretty vague question, as it doesn't address HOW the data is received.

Reduce Sodium to Lose Weight Overnight?

For those people who are in a hurry to lose weight quickly, one of the best ways to reduce the water weight stored in your body is to reduce or eliminate the sodium intake for several days. As the sodium levels in the body are reduced, you naturally release stored water. Much of this is often in the midsection, where people wish to reduce their size the most. East whole, unprocessed foods without added salt, and avoid canned foods while following this plan.

Whether the information stored on hard disk can be copied or not?

Off course , this information stored on hard disk can be copied to any other storage device like hard disk, DVD, USB Drive etc.

Why you are using image compression?

Image compression is used to reduce the size of the stored data. This is done either for storage purposes or to improve transfer times.

How many minutes does 40 kilobytes cover?

The answer will depend on what is being stored: whether it is low quality audio or high definition video!