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The aircraft would nose-dive ! The flaps are used during flight to help the plane gain or lose height in conjunction with the engines.

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Q: What would happen if you deployed flaps during flight?
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How can a wings lift be increased?

Lift can be increased by curving the wing downward. Most aircraft have 'flaps' at the rear inner edge of the wing to achieve this. Some aircraft even have 'slats' at the front of the wing to increase lift even more. - If you google 'aircraft slats', you will see a great picture of slats and flaps on an Airbus A310

How much wingspan does a plane need for its own mass?

It is quite simple. There are exact measurements, but as you said each differently sized plane needs a different span due to its mass. Wings are much more complicated than someone may think. They have multiple flaps, each used for specific things. The most commonly known flaps are the "flaps". These are the enormous ones at the very base-rear of each wing that lower during landing to provide an immense decrease in speed. Then there are the Ailerons, located very near the tip of the wing. These control banking, and big planes have two sets. On large planes such as A380s and 747s, there are inboard and outboard Ailerons. Ailerons are combined with the rudder, on the vertical stabilizer or "fin", to create bank turns. Next come the spoilers or air brakes. These are used often, to provide slight speed decreases moslty during landing. There are usually four spoilers on each wing in a row. Finally there are the slats. These are located on the very tips of the wing and are always lowered in only takeoff and landing. They provide extra lift by expanding the length the airflow must travel under the wing and decrease the length over the wing. There are also flaps on the tailplane, which consists of two horizontal stabilizers and one vertical stabilizer. The vertical stabilizer has, as mentioned before, the rudder to control turns. The horizontal stabilizers, or "mini wings on the back of the plane", always have elevators. Not the elevators in a hotel, but flaps that control the planes ascending and descending. They are raised and lowered. In the actual wings themselves there are also heavy fuel tanks and undercarriage (landing gear or "wheels") compartments. So you see that wings can be extremely heavy. There mass must be large, but not wide. When in doubt, make them long. Do not make them too wide because that will create too much airflow over the tops of the wings and your plane won't fly at all. The best thing to do is experiment. If its a paper airplane, than try different things. Make your own flaps and see how they work. Model airplanes are cool too and usually have some flaps similar to real airplanes. I hope I answered your question. I also understand that I probably went overboard quite a lot as well. I am sorry for that, but as for me I love airplanes and the study of aerodynamics.

What technology makes the airplane fly?

A modern commercial airplane uses Turbofan Engines, which uses fans and compressors to suck in massive amouts of air. This air is then distributed into a bypass chamber and a core. In the core the air travels through more compressors, squeezing the air. Then the air is mixed with fuel and ignited. This fast and hot air is then pushed through spinning turbines, then mixed with the cool air from the bypass chamber and released through the nozzle at the end of the engine as thrust. This thrust creates a forward push. An airplane flies because its wings are shaped like aerofoils. Aerofoils are shaped like teardrops that curve downward, where the air that travels on top is faster and has lower pressure and the air that travels under is slower and has higher pressure. This ratio of pressure sucks the wing up into the air and sustains its flight. The plane must be moving forward to keep air moving around the wings, so these Turbofan Engines are used to pull the aircraft forward. To steer the plane, special flaps are used. There are many different kinds, including Ailerons, Elevators, Spoilers, the Rudder, and Flaps. Ailerons control the plane when it dips to either side, elevators control the plane when it points upward or downward, spoilers act as air brakes and slow the plane, the rudder turns the plane, and the flaps slow down the plane a lot for landings. These different flaps do what they do because they slow or stop the airflow around portions of the wings.

What is a slat segment for?

Flaps are mounted on the aft or trailing edge of wings. When extended, they change the aerodynamic shape of the wing to produce greater lift at slower speeds. Slats are simply a flap on the leading edge of a wing rather than the trailing edge, increasing lift in a similar manner to a flap. The Slats actually allow the aircraft to obtain greater angle of attack. If too much Flaps are mounted on the trailing edge, this may want to cause the wing to pitch nose down. The Slats is a way to counter-act this force as it tends to cause the nose to pitch upwards. Because both the flap and slat offer great advantages in generating high lift, most aircraft today use a combination of both to maximize the lift coefficient as well as the maximum angle of attack while minimizing the effect of pitching moment.

Can a boeing777 land on autopilot?

YES! ANY modern airliner can land on autopilot as long as the airport has a ILS (instrument Landing System) The pilot/s would tune in the ILS frequency to NAV 1 module and then engage autopilot and select the APP or APR button, this will keep the plane on the connrect glideslope and flightpaff. all the pilotsb have to do is adjust power acordingly and operate the flaps

Related questions

How can the shape of wings be changed during flight?

The shape of airplane wings can be changed during flight by adding ailerons and flaps.

Does a plane have to have flaps deployed on takeoff?

No. Not always. For many airplanes, it may be required if the airplane is fullly loaded.

Why are the flaps of the wings on a plane adjust thoughout the flight?

That is not common. Flaps are generally used to take-off and land.

What would happen to an airplane if you changed its speed and flaps?

The aircraft would change it's flight attitude. If you reduced the speed you would now be in a controlled descent, possibly for landing.

What flight pattern does a cardinal have?

flaps it's wings really quiqly.

Can you turn flaps off on flight simulator?

Yes -by pressing f7

How do you adjust the flaps in Microsoft Flight Simulator?

press F8 for full extension of flaps press F7 for a bit of extension of flaps(can press many times) press F6 for a bit of retracsion of flaps(can press many times) press F5 for full retracsion of flaps

What is an aircraft flap called?

An aircraft flap is simply called a "flap." Flaps are movable surfaces located on the wings of an aircraft. They are designed to change the shape and configuration of the wing during different phases of flight. By extending or retracting the flaps, pilots can adjust the lift and drag characteristics of the aircraft, allowing for changes in speed, angle of descent, and takeoff and landing capabilities. Flaps can be divided into several types, including: Plain Flaps: These are the simplest type of flaps, which extend straight down from the wing when deployed. Split Flaps: These flaps are divided into two sections, with the lower section extending downward and the upper section remaining in place. Slotted Flaps: Slotted flaps have a slot or gap between the wing and the flap, which helps to increase lift at lower speeds. Fowler Flaps: Fowler flaps extend backward and downward, increasing both the wing area and camber, which allows for greater lift generation. The specific type of flap used on an aircraft depends on its design and intended purpose. Flaps play a crucial role in controlling and maneuvering an aircraft, particularly during takeoff and landing.

How do flaps on a paper airplane affect flight?

It allows it to take off and land

Why do pilots have to adjust the plane's wing flaps throughout a flight?

To reduce the drag

Why do planes have flaps on the wings?

Airplane wings are designed to be most efficient when at high altitudes, traveling fast, while providing as little drag as possible. Unfortunately this design inst the best for takeoff and landing. Flaps are used to change the shape of the wing to accommodate takeoff and landing requirements. Most planes have flaps on the front of the wings (leading edge flaps) and at the back of the wings. During takeoff flaps increase lift so a plane can take off with limited runway length and lower speeds. As the plane gains speed the flaps are retracted. On approach and landing you want to fly as slow as possible so the flaps are deployed in increments till landing speed is achieved. Landing slower means less runway needed to stop.

What is the bee flight process?

The bee flight process happens when a bee flaps its wings at over the usual 200 times per second.