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Who knows! I hope that there will be great improvements in technology and we will have many new and great things!

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Q: What would happen 30 years later in 2040?
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What will be the developments in technology in 2040?

well, technology never ends, maybe in 2040 there will be no cars, all civilians had have there own aeroplanes to go from one place to another... or there will be some great improvement in the field of electronics, the things become more and more small. as compare to today's mobile phone.. may be that mobile phone size become future's computer with extra efficient speed...

Can genetically modified foods help people?

some people think forced sterilization will solve the overpopulation issues but china had had the one child per family rule a long time and they still are the most populated country. I don't think that is the solution. However, as more and more bacteria become drug resistant we are going to see a drop in life span by 2040 that will resemble the pre-antibiotic age with death rates at 35 years old. So polulation existence will be the problem not control. Joymaker rn

What is the aim of robot?

The Robots are AI (Artificial intelligent). They are the inventions of human. Human made them for the purpose of his own use. But what if the robot is made by another Robot. what should be its aim and what should be its goal in the world. A robot when created by another robot is not said to be artificial intelligent. Then they are more intelligent than humans. But it will be done in 2040 that a robot will be able to make his superior copy which will be more intelligent than humans. They will be able to dream , think , decide , assume and they will have the power to see the future as well. They will decide the future . They will have all powers and then they will be able to turn the whole world according to them. Humans will be the slaves of robots on that time. All the robots will try to destroy the humans. But some Robots will think different according to their nature. They will try to help humans on that time. They will be confused by their fellows and their aims. They will start to find their new aims to satisfy themselves. They will try to save humans and help others.

Code for scientific calculator in visual basic?

Prep work: add 3 textboxes and 4 buttons Button1 = Add Button2 = Subtract Button3 = Multiply Button4 = Divide Make sure to keep a textbox for the answer (I'll use one called, "TextBox3") For Button 1: TextBox3.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) + Val(TextBox2.text) 'This takes text1's value and adds text2's value to it For Button 2: TextBox3.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) - Val(TextBox2.Text) 'same as button one but subtract For Button 3: TextBox3.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) * Val(TextBox2.Text) For Button 4: TextBox3.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) / Val(TextBox2.Text)

Related questions

What will happen in 2040?

Nobody knows.

How old will a 11 year old be in 2040 if its 2010?

An eleven year old should be able to do this kind of maths. 2010 to 2040 is 30 years ( subtract 2010 from 2040). Ad 30 years to 11 answer is 41. An eleven year old will be 41 in 2040

If 2012 does happen when will it start?

I have heard it will start at 11.11am . IF it's 11.12am we will be safe for next 38 years. maybe meteor in 2040.

Why were people afraid of the date 2040 until later evidence rendered the danger a false alarm?

People were originally afraid of the year 2040 because it was believed that it would be the end of the world. This was later found to be untrue, because there was a calculation error in the ancient calendars.

What is the lcd of 2040?

LCD of 2040 is 2040.

When is Idaho's centennial celebration?

In 1990. Its sesquicentennial (150 years) will be in 2040.

How old will a 13 year old be in 2040 if it's 2009?

44. Then 45 after their birthday. but they would just take the 40 out of the 2040:0

Who was the president in 2040?

if this question needs a serious answer, then well here it goes - the year 2040 has not occurred yet and the question should not refer to 2040 in the past tense. we do not know who will be president in 2040 and will not know until that year, which is 29 years from now. As you know that you must remember my name is Dylan Michael Rich will be president in 2040. vote for me!

What years will July 20 fall on a Friday?

2018, 2029, 2035, 2040, etc.

What century is 2040?

The year 2040 is the 21st century.

When will the 2012 calendar repeat itself?

In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.

What is the hindu arabic number of 2040?

It is 2040, exactly as in the question.