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Then the signal will be the same amplitude.

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Q: What will happen if frequency of modulating signal is greater than the carrier signal in amplitude modulation?
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What is the modulating frequency of amplitude modulation?

the frequency range of an am wave is 20herz to 20kilo herz

In FM does the amplitude remains constant?

In frequency modulation (FM) the amplitude does not remain constant. Instead, the amplitude varies according to the modulation index and the frequency of the modulating signal. This is in contrast to amplitude modulation (AM), where the amplitude of the carrier signal is modulated while the frequency remains constant.

Is it true that information can be carried on a carrier wave by changing or modulating either the amplitude or frequency?

in frequency modulation, frequency of carrier signal changes. so frequency variations of carrier convey all the information in frequency modulation.

What are three frequency components of an am wave?

The three frequency components of an amplitude modulation (AM) wave are the carrier frequency, the upper sideband frequency (carrier frequency + modulating frequency), and the lower sideband frequency (carrier frequency - modulating frequency). These components are responsible for carrying the signal information in an AM wave.

When signal amplitude is equal to carrier amplitude then modulation index is?

amplitude modulating signal

In phase modulation the amount of phase shift in the carrier signal depends on the of the modulating signal and the rate of phase shift depends on the of the modulating signal?

Amplitude Frequency

What is the technical difference when it comes to the implementation of AM and FM?

In a analog transmitter the RF carrier have to be modulated with the analog signal either by AM or FM where in digital transmitter the carrier is simply switched on and off a off = a zero and on = a one

What is Modulation index formula in Frequency modulation?

The modulation index formula in frequency modulation (FM) is given by the equation: β = Δf / fm, where β is the modulation index, Δf is the peak frequency deviation, and fm is the modulating frequency. Modulation index indicates how much the carrier frequency is being varied by the modulating signal in FM.

Comparison of amplitude modulation and frequency modulation?

Amplitude of the (high frequency) Carrier signal is varied with respect to low frequency of message signal is called amplitude modulation. Frequency of the carrier signal is varied with respect to low frequency of message signal is called frequency modulation.

What is signal modulation?

modulating signal is the message to be carried by the carrier signal.

What is the relation between carrier frequency and modulating signal?

If the modulating system is AM (Amplitude Modulation) then the amplitude of the carrier wave changes with the amplitude of the modulation. On a specrum analyser that shows up as frequency sidebands. If the frequency of the carrier waves depends on the amplitude of the modulating signal that is called FM (frequency modulation). On a spectrum analyser that shows up as sidebands also.

Why is FM preferred to am in satellite channels?

FM stands for frequency modulation and AM stands for Amplitude modulation. In FM, frequency of a modulating signal is modulated using carrier frequency i.e. more data can be transmitted using a little space and also it is safe to transmit the information while in AM amplitude of a modulating signal is modulated using carrier frequency i.e. more space needed for transmitting the information. That's why we use FM in place of AM