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Triangular wave

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Q: What will be the output of the integrator circuit if step function is applied?
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Can a low pass filter be used as an integrator?

When a low pass filter is used with a sine wave input, the output is also a sine wave. The output will be reduced in amplitude and phase shifted when the frequency is high, but it is still a sine wave. This is not the case for square or triangular wave inputs. For non-sinusoidal inputs the circuit is called an integrator.

Can some body show me Electrical circuit diagram of Molded case circuit breakers?

Circuit breakers do not have circuit diagrams. The breakers have an input where the distribution voltage is applied and an output where the load is applied. If you want to know what is inside a breaker, the electrical terminology to use is "shop drawings" of the specific breaker that you need information on.

What is the Clipping circuit transfer function?

Transfer function is the relationship between output and input of a circuit. In the clipping circuit, the general transfer function is such that the transfer curve Av is less than 1 for passive limiter and greater than 0 to limit the maximum and minimum voltage value.

What is the relationship between the voltage output at the interface and the voltage across the series and parallel circuit?

Ohm's law states that the current in a circuit is inversely proportional to the circuit resistance. There is a single path for current in a series circuit. The amount of current is determined by the total resistance of the circuit and the applied voltage.

How do you design a simple integrator with an op amp?

To design a simple integrator with an op amp, place a resistor and capacitor in series in the feedback loop, between output and inverting input. Place another resistor from circuit input to the inverting input. Ground the non-inverting input. The current through the input resistor will be balanced with the current through the feedback resistor. Since there is a capacitor also, the voltage slope at the output will be proportional to the current. If you want the capacitor to discharge faster in one direction, you can place a diode (and optional resistor) across the feedback resistor. This works because the capacitor resists a change in voltage, proportional to current, and inversely proportional to capacitance. The equation is dv/dt = i/c. This means that dv/dt is linear with constant i and c. In this configuration, a constant current input will be balanced with a linear voltage ramp on the output, limited only by the range of the op amp. Constrast this with a simple RC circuit - with constant voltage, the RC circuit will exhibit a logarithmic output. If, for instance, you were to drive this circuit with a square wave, the output would be triangular. With the diode, the output would be sawtooth.

Related questions

What is the difference between the output ofintegratorand input of a differentiator?

A; An integrator will integrate or slowly change as a rapid input is applied. Differentiate will have just the opposite effect

Can a low pass filter be used as an integrator?

When a low pass filter is used with a sine wave input, the output is also a sine wave. The output will be reduced in amplitude and phase shifted when the frequency is high, but it is still a sine wave. This is not the case for square or triangular wave inputs. For non-sinusoidal inputs the circuit is called an integrator.

What will be the output when a square wave is the input of the differentiater?

If you use a square wave as input to an integrator circuit, the output will be a triangle wave.

how do you work out an output?

To work out an output, you need to identify the type of input data, understand the function or process that will be applied to the data, and then use that function or process to compute the output. This often involves using mathematical formulas, algorithms, or rules to transform the input data into the desired output.

Can some body show me Electrical circuit diagram of Molded case circuit breakers?

Circuit breakers do not have circuit diagrams. The breakers have an input where the distribution voltage is applied and an output where the load is applied. If you want to know what is inside a breaker, the electrical terminology to use is "shop drawings" of the specific breaker that you need information on.

Why high pass circuit is called as an Differentiator?

A high pass circuit can act as a differentiator because it allows high frequency signals to pass through while attenuating low frequency signals. This property causes the output to respond more to the rate of change of the input signal, making it behave similar to a mathematical differentiator.

What is the Clipping circuit transfer function?

Transfer function is the relationship between output and input of a circuit. In the clipping circuit, the general transfer function is such that the transfer curve Av is less than 1 for passive limiter and greater than 0 to limit the maximum and minimum voltage value.

What is the output of integrator when the input is rectungler?

Sorry we do not know what you mean by "rectungler", this is not an English word and not an obvious misspelling.

Why high pass filter called differentiator?

Because the capacitor is in series with the output. Vice versa for the integrator.

What is the relationship between the voltage output at the interface and the voltage across the series and parallel circuit?

Ohm's law states that the current in a circuit is inversely proportional to the circuit resistance. There is a single path for current in a series circuit. The amount of current is determined by the total resistance of the circuit and the applied voltage.

How do you design a simple integrator with an op amp?

To design a simple integrator with an op amp, place a resistor and capacitor in series in the feedback loop, between output and inverting input. Place another resistor from circuit input to the inverting input. Ground the non-inverting input. The current through the input resistor will be balanced with the current through the feedback resistor. Since there is a capacitor also, the voltage slope at the output will be proportional to the current. If you want the capacitor to discharge faster in one direction, you can place a diode (and optional resistor) across the feedback resistor. This works because the capacitor resists a change in voltage, proportional to current, and inversely proportional to capacitance. The equation is dv/dt = i/c. This means that dv/dt is linear with constant i and c. In this configuration, a constant current input will be balanced with a linear voltage ramp on the output, limited only by the range of the op amp. Constrast this with a simple RC circuit - with constant voltage, the RC circuit will exhibit a logarithmic output. If, for instance, you were to drive this circuit with a square wave, the output would be triangular. With the diode, the output would be sawtooth.

What is function of an integrated circuit TL072?

A: It is a discontinue wide band amplifier 250 mega HZ I believe. Its function is to amplify those frequency with an 50 ohm output impedance