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Q: What were the revetments made from?
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What are revetments?

Revetments are structures built to protect against erosion by absorbing or deflecting the force of water or wave action. They are commonly made of materials like concrete, rock, or vegetation and are used along shorelines, riverbanks, or cliffs to prevent the gradual wearing away of the land. Revetments are an important tool in coastal and river engineering to help stabilize and protect vulnerable areas against erosion.

How much does wooden revetments cost?

1,000 pound per reventment :)

What are the advantages of revetments?

They protect the shore from waves from Joseph Donlan 8F

What is a revetmeant?

A revetment, I think you mean, has several different meanings for different professions. In stream restoration, river engineering, and/or coastal management, revetments are sloped-like structures which are on banks or cliffs, thus allowing for energy to be absorbed by incoming water. Revetments, in military engineering, they are sloped like structures that are made to secure an area from harm such as bombing or gun shooting. Then, in architecture, they are different structures which are normally vertical and used to retain and sometimes decorate a wall. Typically, river revetments are used to protect against erosion.

How long do revetments last?

as long as it takes to where away

How many feet high will aircraft revetments be constructed on ramps aprons matting or hardstands?


Is revetments hard or soft engineering?

Its hard engineering babe :)

What are Revetments used for?

Revetments are structures made of materials like rocks or concrete that are used to protect shorelines, embankments, or river banks from erosion by absorbing the energy of waves or currents. They help prevent the underlying soil or structure from being eroded away by acting as a barrier against the erosive forces of water.

A type of coastal protection?

Sea wall,Groynes,Rip rap,Revetments,Off-shore reefs,Gabions,Beach replenishment,Managed retreat,Cliff regrading

When a spaceship explodes the vibration from the sound nearly destroys a near by spaceship If you are a science consultant what would your advice be?

Ships should be parked in protective revetments or at safe distance(s) .

What sea defenses are used at dawlish warren?

The sea defences consist of Rip Rap(rock armour); sea wall; revetments; Gabions; holes in pavement; Groynes; offshore breakwater and beach seeding.

What has the author E Douglas Van Buren written?

E. Douglas Van Buren has written: 'Greek fictile revetments in the archaic period' -- subject(s): Antiquities, Greek Architecture, Temples, Terra-cotta sculpture, Greek 'Figurative terra-cotta revetments in etruria and Latium' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Antiquities, Terra-cotta sculpture, Etruscan 'The flowing vase and the god with streams' -- subject(s): Ancient Decoration and ornament, Art, Assyro-Babylonian, Mythology, Assyro-Babylonian