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Q: What were the problems in primitive age?
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why were the primitive society called the iron age

Use primitive in a sentence?

The people from the stone age used primitive tools.

What if there were no machine in the world?

Welcome to the stone age. Even they had crowbars and primitive tools.

Did tools count as technology during the stone age?

yes, it is a form of technology although primitive

Who refined ore first?

Ore was refined, in a crude and primitive process, during the Iron Age.

Which era was called age of primitive life?

being the first or earliest of the kind or in existence, especially in an early age of the world: primitive forms of life. 2.early in the history of the world or of humankind. 3.characteristic of early ages or of an early state of human development: primitive toolmaking. 4.Anthropology . of or pertaining to a preliterate or tribal people having cultural or physical similarities with their early ancestors: no longer in technical use. 5.unaffected or little affected by civilizing influences; uncivilized; savage: primitive passions.

How do you use the word Stone Age in a sentence?

People in the Stone Age used primitive tools made from stone to survive.

Why was the creation of boats important in ancient time?

In a pre-mechanical transport age, moving cargo and people by primitive roads with primitive wagons was costly in resources and time. Boats solved the problem.

What makes up a person's culture in the stone age?

The stone age was pretty primitive. Culture was usually your family or your tribe. No really large groups of people.

What is the comparative form of the word primitive?

The comparative form of "primitive" is "more primitive."

Which of these movies Jurassic Park Ice princess ice age did not show creatures of primitive Earth?

ice princess

How the earlier people wrote?

The most primitive type of writing was hieroglyphics used by the stone age people and the Egyptians.